Page 2 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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        It gives us immense pleasure in presenting CA Final Question Bank “PARAM”

        The book has the following features:

            •  More than 580 questions covering the entire syllabus of Audit Subject.
            •  Coverage
                   o  Study Material Questions - 2017 to 2023.
                   o  RTPs & MTPs from May 2016 to Nov 2023 (16 exams)
                   o  Past Exam Papers from May 2016 to May 2023 (15 exams).

                   o  Carefully Selected Relevant Questions from old course Study Material, MTPs, RTPs,
                       Past Exam Papers, Practice Manual as mentioned above have also been included.

            •  Format
                   o  Standardized format is used entirely.
                   o  Big theoretical questions are divided in small parts
                   o  Case study-based questions are divided in 4 parts
                   o  Questions which are not related directly to any particular concept in regular Titanium

                       Book are marked as #Unique.

            •  Linking with Titanium (Concept Book)
                   o  Students can easily use charts, shortcuts or in detail any concept from Titanium regular
                       notes with the help of Concept Number(CNO) given in each question.
                   o  This will make concept and question neural association better.

            •  Short Cuts & Memory techniques

                   o  Line wise headings and summary are provided above the answers.
                   o  Mnemonics are provided to help in retention & Charts to give bird eye view.
                   o  Flow Technique is used to help in memorization

            •  Original language
                   o  Language by ICAI is retained in answers.
                   o  Shortcuts and Summaries are given separately
                   o  Internal flow of the answers has been changed where required to make the answer
                       easy but no change in language is made.

            •  Examples
                   o  Examples are given to understand tricky concepts
                   o  They are highlighted in italics

            •   Distinct Non-Changing Question number & Heading
                   o  Every question has Heading and Question number.

                   o  Easy to revise through such headings
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