Page 182 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 182

CA Ravi Taori
                                      SRS 4410 Compilation Engagements

         (CNO SRS 4410.020) Introduction.
         SRS 4410: SRS 4410 deals with the practitioner’s responsibilities when engaged to assist management with the
         preparation  and  presentation  of  historical  financial  information  without  obtaining  any  assurance  on  that
         information, and to report on the engagement in accordance with this SRS.
         Financial  &  Non-financial:  It  applies  to  compilation  engagements  for  historical  financial  information.
         Compilation  engagements  for  financial  information  other  than  historical  financial  information,  and
         compilation engagements for non-financial information can be performed under this Standard after necessary
         SQC  1  Applicability:  SQC  1  is  applicable  to  all  Engagement  Standards.  Since  SRS  4410  is  also  one  of
         Engagement Standards, SQC 1 applies to firms in respect of firm’s compilation engagements too.
         What is a Compilation engagement?
         Definition: Compilation engagement is an engagement in which a practitioner applies accounting and financial
         reporting expertise to assist management in the preparation and presentation of financial information of an
         entity in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework and issues a report.
         Request by Management: Management may request a professional accountant in public practice to assist with
         the preparation and presentation of financial information of an entity.
         Financial  information  that  is  the  subject  of  a  compilation  engagement  may  be  required  for  various
         purposes including
         Mandatory periodic financial reporting: Financial information that is the subject of a compilation engagement
         may  be  required  for  various  purposes  including  to  comply  with  mandatory  periodic  financial  reporting
         requirements established in law or regulation, if any.
         Other Purposes: Financial information may also be required for purposes unrelated to mandatory financial
         reporting under relevant law or regulation, including for example,
           •  For internal use: For management or those charged with governance, prepared on a basis appropriate for
              their particular purposes (such as preparation of financial information for internal use).
           •  For external parties: The information can be used for periodic financial reporting undertaken for external
              parties under a contract or other form of agreement, such as financial information provided to a funding
              body to support provision or continuation of a grant.
           •  Transactional  Purposes:  It  may  also  be  used  for  transactional  purposes,  for  example  to  support  a
              transaction involving changes to the entity’s ownership or financing structure, such as for a merger or
         Not an Assurance Engagement: A compilation engagement is not an assurance engagement.
           •  No  Verification:  It  does  not  require  the  practitioner  to  verify  the  accuracy  or  completeness  of  the
              information provided by management for the compilation.
           •  No expression of an audit opinion or a review conclusion: A compilation engagement does not require
              the practitioner to gather evidence to express an audit opinion or a review conclusion on the preparation of
              the financial information.
         Objectives in accordance with SRS 4410
         Assisting  Management:  Apply  accounting  and  financial  reporting  expertise  to  assist  management  in  the
         preparation  and  presentation  of  financial  information  in  accordance  with  an  applicable  financial  reporting
         framework based on information provided by management.
         Reporting: Another objective is to report in accordance with the requirements of this SRS.
         Scope of Compilation Engagements

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