Page 392 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 392

CA Ravi Taori

         Directorship  Exception:  Despite  the  profession  restriction,  chartered  accountants  are  allowed  to  serve  as
         directors of a company. However, they cannot hold positions as managing directors or whole-time directors. He
         or his partner should not be Auditor in the Company.
         Degnity: The goal is to prevent members from combining their accounting work with other businesses that may
         not uphold the dignity of the profession.
         Avoid Advertising : If chartered accountants were allowed to engage in various business ventures, they could
         potentially use this as a platform to advertise and gain an unfair advantage in their professional practice.
         Regulation 190A & 191
         Regulation  190A:  The Council  has  formulated  this  regulation,  which  states  that  a chartered  accountant  in
         practice should not engage in any other business or occupation outside the profession of accountancy, except
         with the Council's permission.
         Regulation 191: This regulation allows a chartered accountant in practice to accept part-time employment. They
         may act as a liquidator, trustee, executor, administrator, arbitrator, receiver, adviser, or representative for costing,
         financial, or taxation matters. They may also accept appointments made by the Central Government, a State
         Government, a court of law, or any other legal authority, or act as a secretary in their professional capacity,
         provided the employment is not on a full-time, salaried basis.
         General Permission (Shortcut- SPECIAL PAC E )
                                                      3 2
         Permission granted generally - Members of the Institute in practice be generally permitted to engage in the
         following categories of occupations, for which no specific permission from the Council would be necessary in
         individual cases:

         Surveyor: Acting as Surveyor and Loss Assessor under the Insurance Act, 1938.
         Private Tutorship: Private teaching
         Education: Attending any classes and examinations.
         Commission: Holding a Life Insurance Agency License for renewal commissions.
         ICAI tutorship: Part-time tutorship at the Institute's coaching organization
         Authorship: Writing accounting books/articles.
         Legal: Acting as Notary Public, Justice of the Peace, Special Executive Magistrate, etc. (Short cut MNP)

         Politics: Holding public elective offices (M.P., M.L.A., M.L.C.)
         Agriculture: Owning and operating agricultural land.
         Consultancy: Acting as a recovery consultant in the banking sector.
         Charity: Honorary office leadership of charitable-educational or other non-commercial organisations.
         CA/CA Firms: Jobs in chartered accountancy firms/ CA in practice
         Examination: Valuation of papers, acting as paper-setter, head-examiner, or moderator. (Any exams)
         Editorship: Editorship of professional journals.

         Specific Permissions – (Shortcut - BEAT Langur on FENCE)
         Members  of  the  Institute  can  participate  in  various  business  sectors  or  professions,  but  they  must  first  get
         individual approval from the Council for each case.
         Employment in Business: Members can be employed full-time or part-time in a business, provided they or their
         relatives do not have a Substantial Interest in it. (20% or more)
         Educational Interest: Members can have an interest in an educational institution.
         Additional  Occupations:  Members  can  engage  in  any  other  business  or  occupation  that  the  Executive
         Committee may consider granting permission for.
         Tutorship: Members can take up part-time or full-time tutorship roles at educational institutions not affiliated
         with the Institute's coaching organization.

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