Page 3 - Ch1_Introduction
P. 3

01. Introduction to Indirect Tax

        Differentiate between Direct and Indirect taxes.
        Answer :
          Particulars                     Direct Taxes                              Indirect Taxes
           Levied on     It is levied on income earned by activities  It is levied on product or services

           Incidence     It is borne directly by person paying tax  It is shifted to other person as the person
           of  tax       to Government.                              paying tax to Government collects the same

                                                                     from ultimate consumer.
                         It is progressive in nature i.e. high rate of  It is regressive in nature as all the consumers
                         taxes for people with higher ability to pay. equally bear the burden, irrespective of their
                                                                    ability to pay.
           When it is     It is paid after the income reaches in the  It is paid before goods/services reaches the
           paid?          hands of tax payer.                        tax payer.

          Collection     Tax collection is difficult and it is on yearly  Tax collection is relatively easier and collected
                         basis.                                     at the time of sale /purchase of goods or
                                                                    rendering of services.

           Examples      Eg. Income tax, wealth tax, etc.           Eg.Custom Duty, GST, Excise Duty, Service
                                                                    tax, Sales tax, etc.


        Explain the salient features of indirect taxes.
        Answer :
        S.No.       Feature                          Explanation

           1  An important & major           Indirect tax is major source of revenue for all Govts. in the world.
              source of revenue              In India, it contributes more than 50% of the total tax revenues of
                                             Central & State Governments.
          2   Tax on commodities &           It is levied on commodities at the time of supply, manufacture or
              services                       purchase or sale or import/export thereof. Hence, it is also known

                                             as commodity taxation. It is also levied on provision of services.
           3  Shifting of burden             Indirect tax paid by supplier is recovered from buyer by including the
                                             tax in the cost of commodity/service & shifting tax burden in this way.
              No perception of direct        Since, Indirect tax is generally inbuilt in the price of commodity/
              pinch                          service, most of the time tax payer pays the same without actually
                                             knowing that he is paying tax to Government.

          5    Inflationary                   Tax imposed causes an all-round price spiral. In short, indirect
                                             taxation directly affects the prices of commodities & services &

                                             leads to inflationary trend.
          6    Wider tax base                 Majority of products or services are subject to indirect taxes with
                                              low thresholds.

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