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If gift of `42,000 is given instead of ` 3,00,000 , the same will not qualify as supply   goods between distinct persons as specified in section 25 made in the course or
           since it has been specifically mentioned in proviso of para 2 of schedule I that gifts   furtherance of business is to treated as supply even if made without consideration.
           not exceeding ` 50,000 in value in a financial year by an employer to an employee   Explanation:- With reference to the above provision, Yes, transfer of stock made by  CH 2
           shall not be treated as supply of goods or services or both.                   Modest Ltd. are taxable under GST. Though the definition of supply It does not

                                                                                          specify that supply is to be made by one person to the another. Hence, self-supplies
           CCP                                                                are to be treated as supply in terms of section 7 of CGST Act.

           Rishabh Enterprises, a registered supplier, owns an air- conditioned restaurant   Further, as per the above provision pertaining to distinct person, Inter-state self-
           in Virar, Maharashtra. It has opened a liquor shop in Raipur, Uttarakhand for   supplies such as stock transfers, branch transfers or consignment sales shall be
           trading of alcoholic liquor for human consumption. State whether Supply by     taxable under IGST even though such transactions may not involve payment of
           Maharashtra  restaurant  to  Uttarakhand  shop,  in  course  or  furtherance  of   consideration. Every supplier is liable to register under the GST law in the State or  Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply

           business without consideration will qualify as supply or not. [ICAI Material]  Union territory from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services or both in
           Answer- Since supply of alcoholic liquor for human consumption in Uttarakhand is a   terms of Section 22 of the CGST Act . However, intra-state self- supplies are not
           non-taxable supply, Rishabh Enterprises is not required to obtain registration with   taxable provided that separate registration has not been obtained.
           respect to the same in Uttarakhand.
           In this case, air-conditioned restaurant in Maharashtra and liquor shop [though   CCP
           unregistered] in Uttarakhand shall be treated as establishments of distinct persons.   Mr. Raj has head office in pune and has branches in state of Gujarat, Goa, and
           Supply by Maharashtra restaurant to Uttarakhand shop, in course or furtherance of   Punjab. Mr. Raj send goods to its branch Goa worth ` 2,00,000 in its own
           business even without consideration will qualify as supply.                    conveyance. Value of conveyance ` 15,00,000 and With the conveyance some

                                                                                          tools and spares parts are also send worth ` 50,000. Calculate total value of
           CCP                                                                taxable supply on which GST is payable.
           Modest Ltd., registered in Delhi dealing in supply of electronic items transferred   Answer:-  Transfer of goods to the own branch is treated as supply. As per section

           some of its stock to its another unit located in Haryana (inter-state transfer).   25(4) both head office and branch is treated as demand distinct person. Therefore
           Whether such self-supplies are taxable under GST?                              supply of goods is liable to GST. VALUE OF TAXABLE SUPPLY IS ` 2,00,000.
           Answer:  Legal Provision:- As per sec 7 of CGST Act,2017  the term 'Supply' has been   As per the Circular no. 1/1/2017, carrying goods or passenger or both in conveyance
           defined in an inclusive manner.                                                 between deemed distinct person shall be treated neither as supply of goods nor
           As per section 25(5) of CGST act, provides that where a person who has obtained or   supply of services and no IGST to be levied. Therefore supply of conveyance carrying
           is required to obtain registration in a State or Union territory in respect of an   goods is not treated as supply.
           establishment, has an establishment in another State or Union territory, then such   As per the Circular no. 21/21/2017, on inter- state movement of rigs, tools and spares

           establishments shall be treated as establishments of distinct persons.         and all goods on wheels in conveyance between deemed distinct person shall be
           As per clause (2) of Schedule I of CGST Act, 2017  inter alia provides that supply of   treated neither as supply of goods nor supply of services and no IGST to be levied.
                                                                                          Therefore supply of tools and spare part is not treated as supply.

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          21
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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