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The value of supply by Mr. Viraj to Mr. Tushar will be as follows:-              14. Para 4- import of services without consideration
                       Particulars                                           `             CCP
     CH 2   Open market value of goods supplied to agent (As per rule 29)  5,10,000       Discuss the taxability of import of services under GST. (RTP – ICAI)

            Add:- GST @ 12%                                                61,200         Answer :  As per section 7(1)(b) of CGST Act, 2017  supply includes  the importation
         Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
            Total                                                        5,71,200         of   services for a consideration whether or not in the course or furtherance of
           Note – As per rule 29, value shall be open market value or 90% of price charge for   business. Thus, import of services with consideration is taxable in both of the
           supply of goods of like kind and quality by agent to his customer not being related.   following situations:
              Ø Open market value is 5,10,000                                                 Ø in course or furtherance of business
              Ø Calculation of 90% of price charge  -                                         Ø not in course or furtherance of business

                       Value of goods                                       5,10,000      Further, Schedule I of CGST Act, inter alia, stipulates that import of services by a
            Commission                                                        61,200      person from a related person or from his establishments located outside India is
            Interest                                                          13,393      treated as “supply” even if made without consideration if it is provided in the course

            Total                                                           5,84,593      or furtherance of business.
            90% of price charge                                             5,26,134
           Therefore, Open market value is beneficial to the assessee
                                                                                          Mr. Sagar import interior design service for designing his office from his brother
           The value of supply by Mr. Tushar to Mr. Somesh will be as follows:-
                       Particulars                                             `          Mr. Raj who resides in UK from last 1 year whether it is treated as supply under
                                                                                          GST law?
            Price of goods                                                    5,00,000
            Add:- Commission @ 12% on above                                     60,000    Answer: Legal Provision: As per the provision of para 4 schedule -1  of CGST act
            Add:- Interest for delayed payment (15000*100/112)                  13,393    import of any service without consideration by a person from a related person outside

            Total Value                                                       5,73,393    India  or  from  any  of  his  other  establishments  outside  India  in  the  course  or
            Add:- GST @ 12%                                                    68,807     furtherance of business is treated as supply.
            Less:- ITC on inward supply                                       (61,200)            Person are treated as related party if they are members of same family.
            Net GST Payable                                                      7,607            As per section 2 (49) family means,  i. the Spouse and children of the person
           Note:- i) The value of the interest charged by Mr. Tushar to Mr. Somesh will be   and, ii. the Parents, Grandparents , Brothers and Sisters of the person if they are
           included  in the value of supply of goods as per sec 15(2)(d) of the CGST Act.  wholly or mainly dependent on the said person.
           ii) Interest is inclusive of GST (detailed discussion under Valuation Chapter)  Conclusion:  Since  the  question  doesn't  specifically  mentioned  that  brother  is

           iii) When agent issues his own invoice the commission charged by DSA is recovered   dependent, & he resides in UK from last one year (on his own), so brother is not
           from customer and hence added in the price charged by DSA to customer          dependent therefore he will not be considered as related party.
           Note- Rule 29 is applicable for All Agents (Issuing his own invoice or suppliers Invoice.)     Therefore in the given case referring to the above provision Importation of
                                                                                          service by Mr. Sagar for designing his office from his brother Mr. Raj without
        24    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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