Page 15 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
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subsequently when the meeting was held it was ratified by the shareholders.

        Issue 5: The company had acquired intangible assets as trademarks amounting to Rs. 2,50,000. The company

        assumes  to  have  indefinite  life of  these  assets. The  fair  value  of the  intangible  assets  as on  the  date  of
        transition was Rs. 3,00,000. However, the company wants to carry the intangible assets at Rs. 2,50,000 only.

        Issue 6: After consideration of possible effects as per Ind AS, the deferred tax impact is computed as Rs.
        25,000. This amount will further increase the portion of deferred tax liability. There is no requirement to carry

        out the separate calculation of deferred tax on account of Ind AS adjustment.
        Management wants to know the impact of Ind AS in the financial statements of company for its general
        understanding.  Prepare  Ind  AS  Impact  Analysis  Report  (Extract)  for  HIM  Limited  for  presentation  to  the
        management wherein you are required to discuss the corresponding differences between Earlier IGAAP (AS)
        and Ind AS against each identified issue for preparation of transition date balance sheet. Also pass journal

        entry for each issue.

        1.  Preliminary  Impact  Assessment  on  Transition  to  Transition  to  Ind  AS  in  HIM  Limited’s  Financial
                           Issue 1: Fair value as deemed cost for property plant and equipment:

                     Accounting Standards              Ind AS             Impact on Company’s financial
                      (Erstwhile IGAAP)                                           statements
                  As per AS 10, Property,  Plant  Ind AS 101 allows entity to  The  company  has  decided  to  adopt
                  and  Equipment  is  recognised  elect to measure   property,  fair  value  as  deemed  cost  in  this
                  at cost less depreciation   Plant an Equipment on the  case.    Since  fair  value  exceeds  book
                                              transition  date  at  its  fair  value,  so  the  book  value  should  be
                                              value  or  previous  GAAP  brought  up  to  fair  value.  The
                                              carrying  value  (book  value)  resulting  impact  of  fair  valuation  of
                                              as deemed cost.           land  Rs.3,00,000  should  be  adjusted
                                                                        in other equity

                                     Journal Entry on the date of transition
                                         Particulars                       Debits (Rs.)   Credit (Rs.)
                   Property Plant and Equipment                       Dr.    3,00,000
                        To Revaluation Surplus (OCI- Other Equity)                          3,00,000

                                     Issue 2: Fair valuation of Financial Assets

             Accounting          Standards  Ind AS                 Impact on company’s financial statements
             (Erstwhile IGAAP)
             As  per  Accounting  Standard,  On  transition,  financial  All financial assets (other than in subsidiaries,
             investments  are  measured  at  assets       including  associates and JVs’ which are recorded at cost)
             lower of cost and fair value.    investments measured at  are initially recognized at fair value.
                                            fair  values  except  for  The  subsequent  measurement  of  such  assets
                                            investments         in  are based on its categorization either Fair Value
                                            subsidiaries,   associates  through Profit & Loss (FVTOCI) or at business
                                            and  JVs’  which  are  model assessment and contractual cash flow.
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