Page 11 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 11

individual qualification of set of standards on such companies.
        In  the  given  case  it  has  been  mentioned  that  the  financials  of  Iktara  Ltd.  are  prepared  as  per  Ind  AS.
        Accordingly, the results of its subsidiary Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. should also have been prepared as per Ind AS.

        However, the financials of Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. Have been presented as per accounting standards (AS).
        Hence, it is necessary to revise the financial statements of Softbharti Pvt. Ltd.  as per Ind AS after the
        incorporation of necessary adjustments mentioned in the question.
        The revised financial statements of Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. as per Ind AS and Division II to Schedule III of the
        Companies Act, 2013 are as follows:

                                             STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS
                                             for the year ended 31  March, 2020
                                                 Particulars                               Amount (Rs.)
                 Revenue from operations                                                      10,00,000
                 Other Income (1,00,000 + 20,000) (refer note -1)                             1,20,000
                 Total Revenue                                                                11,20,000
                 Purchase of stock in trade                                                   5,00,000
                 (Increase) / Decrease in stock in trade                                      (50,000)
                 Employee benefits expense                                                    1,75,000
                 Depreciation                                                                  30,000

                 Other expenses                                                                90,000
                 Total Expenses                                                               7,45,000
                 Profit before tax                                                            3,75,000
                 Current tax                                                                  1,25,700
                 Deferred tax (W.N.1)                                                         (1,200)
                 Total tax expense                                                            1,24,500
                 Profit for the year (A)                                                      2,50,500
                 Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss:
                 Remeasurements of net defined benefit plans                                    1,000
                 Tax liabilities relating to items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss
                 Remeasurements of net defined benefit plans (tax) [1000 x 30%]                (300)
                 Other Comprehensive Income for the period (B)                                  700
                 Total Comprehensive Income for the period (A+B)                              2,51,200

                                                    BALANCE SHEET
                                                 as at 31  March, 2020
                                                   Particulars                                 (Rs.)

                   Non-current assets
                        Property, plant and equipment                                         1,00,000
                        Financial assets
                          Other financial assets (Long-term loans & advances)                 40,000
                        Deferred tax asset (1200-300)                                           900
                           Other non-current assets (capital advances) (refer note-2)         50,000
                                                                                                                           1. 10
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