Page 4 - 15. COMPILER QB - INDAS 21
P. 4

State the date of transaction for advance consideration and recognition of revenue. Also state the amount of
        revenue in INR to be recognized on the date of recognition of revenue. The exchange rates on 1st January,
        2018 and 31st March, 2018 are Rs 72 per USD and Rs 75 per USD respectively.

        This is the case of Revenue recognised at a single point in time with multiple payments. As per the

        guidance given in Appendix B to Ind AS 21:
        A  Ltd.  will  recognise  a  non-monetary  contract  liability  amounting  Rs1,440  million,  by  translating  USD  20
        million at the exchange rate on 1st January, 2018 ieRs72 per USD.
        A Ltd. will recognise revenue at 31st March, 2018 (that is, the date on which it transfers the goods to the

        A Ltd. determines that the date of the transaction for the revenue relating to the advance consideration of
        USD 20 million is 1st January, 2018. Applying paragraph 22 of Ind AS 21, A Ltd. determines that the date of
        the transaction for the remainder of the revenue as 31st March, 2018.
        On 31st March, 2018, A Ltd. will:
          De-recognise  the  non-monetary  contract  liability  of  USD  20  million  and  recognise  USD  20  million  of
           revenue using the exchange rate as at 1st January, 2018 ieRs72 per USD; and

          Recognise  revenue  and  a  receivable  for  the  remaining  USD  30  million,  using  the  exchange  rate  on  31st
           March, 2018 ieRs75 per USD.
        The receivable of USD 30 million is a monetary item, so it should be translated using the closing rate until the
        receivable is settled.

        Q4 (Nov. 19)
        Global  Limited,  an  Indian  company  acquired  on  30     September,  20X1  70%  of  the  share  capital  of  Mark
        Limited, an entity registered as company in Germany. The  functional currency of Global Limited is Rupees
        and its financial year end is 31 March, 20X2.
        (i) The fair value of the net assets of Mark Limited was 23 million EURO and the purchase consideration paid
           is 17.5 million EURO on 30 September, 20X1.
           The exchange rates as at 30 September, 20X1 was Rs.82/EURO & at 31 March, 20X2 was Rs. 84/EURO.
           What is the value at which the goodwill has to be recognised in the financial statements of Global Limited
           as on 31 March, 20X2?
       (ii)  Mark Limited sold goods costing 2.4 million EURO to Global Limited for 4.2 million EURO during the year
           ended 31 March, 20X2. The exchange rate on the date of purchase by Global Limited was Rs. 83/EURO
           and on 31 March, 20X2 was Rs. 84/EURO. The entire goods purchased from Mark Limited are unsold as
           on 31 March, 20X2. Determine the unrealised profit to be eliminated in the preparation of consolidated
           financial statements.

        (i) Ind  AS  21  requires  that  goodwill  arose  on  business  combination  shall  be  expressed  in  the  functional
            currency of the foreign operation and shall be translated at the closing rate in accordance with paragraphs
            39 and 42. In this case the amount of goodwill will be as follows:
                 Net identifiable asset         Dr.        23 million

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