Page 4 - 17. COMPILER QB - INDAS 110
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        i)  As  per  Ind  AS  27,  on  the  date  of  change,  ie,  1st  April,  20X2,  PP  Ltd  (the  parent)  becoming  an
            investment entity, its investment in Praja Ltd (the subsidiary) shall be at fair value through profit and
            loss in accordance with Ind AS 109. Accordingly, the new carrying amount will be Rs. 10,00,000.
        ii)  The difference between the new carrying amount and the carrying amount of the investment on the date

            of  change  will  be  recognised  in  the  profit  and  loss.  Hence,  PP  Ltd  will  recognise  an  amount  of  Rs.
            2,00,000 (Rs. 10,00,000 – Rs. 8,00,000) in profit and loss as gain.
        iii) Any fair value adjustments previously recognised in OCI in respect of subsidiary i.e. Praja Ltd. shall be
            treated as if the investment entity had disposed off the subsidiary at the date of change in status Ind AS

        Further,  as  per  Ind  AS  109,  amounts  presented  in  other  comprehensive  income  shall  not  be  subsequently
        transferred to profit or loss. However, the entity may transfer the cumulative gain or loss within equity.
        Therefore,  the  company  shall  not  reclassify  the  fair  value  gains  or  losses  to  profit  or  loss  on  change  in
        classification from FVTOCI to FVTPL. However, the company may transfer the fair value gains or losses from
        one component to the other within equity.
        Moreover, Ind AS 107, requires disclosure of any transfers of the cumulative gain or loss within equity during

        the period and the reason for such transfers. Accordingly, PP Ltd. shall provide the disclosures if it transfers
        the cumulative gain or loss from one component to the other within equity.

                                                 Particulars                            Rs.

                         Carrying amount of investment in Praja Ltd [as per (i) above]   10,00,000
                         Amounts recognised in profit and loss relating to investment in
                         Praja Ltd [as per (ii) above]                                2,00,000

        Q3. (Nov 21)

        Solar Limited has an 80% interest in its subsidiary, Mars Limited. Solar Limited holds a direct interest of
        25% in Venus Limited. Mars Limited also holds a 30% interest in Venus Limited. The decisions concerning
        relevant activities of Venus Limited require a simple majority of votes. How should Solar Limited account for
        its investment in Venus Limited in its consolidated financial statements?

        In  the  present  case,  Solar  Limited  controls  Mars  Limited  (since  it  holds  80%  of  its  voting  rights).
        Consequently, it also controls the voting rights associated with 30% equity interest held by Mars Limited in

        Venus Limited. Solar Limited also has 25% direct equity interest and related voting power in Venus Limited.
        Thus,  Solar  Limited  controls 55%  (30%  +  25%)  of  the  voting  power  of  Venus  Limited.  As  the  decisions
        concerning relevant activities of Venus Limited require a simple majority of votes. Solar Limited controls Venus
        Limited and should therefore consolidate it in accordance with Ind AS 110.
        Although  Solar  Limited  controls  Venus  Limited,  its  entitlement  to  the  subsidiary’s  economic  benefits  is

        determined  on  the  basis  of  its  actual  ownership  interest.  For  the  purposes  of  the  consolidated  financial
        statements,  Solar  Limited's  share  in  Venus Limited  is  determined  as  49%  [25%  +  (80%  ×  30%)].  As  a
        result, 51% of profit or loss, other comprehensive income and net assets of Venus Limited shall be attributed
        to the non-controlling interests in the consolidated financial statements (this comprises 6% attributable to

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