Page 6 - 17. COMPILER QB - INDAS 110
P. 6


        Q4. (Oct. 19 – 5 Marks)

        Tee  Limited  is  carrying on  the  business  of developing lightweight  and  medium  weight guns  for  the  Indian
        defense  industry.  Tee  Limited  acquired  48%  of  shares  in  Kay  Limited,  a  company  engaged  in  advanced
        research in weapons. Tee Limited acquired shares in Kay Limited to substantiate their position in the industry.
        The remaining 52% of shares are held by the key management personnel of the Company Kay Limited. The
        Kay management consists of eleven people who are experts in the fields of advanced weapons and the core of

        the Company.
        Tee Limited has the option to purchase the remaining 52% at any time by paying 6 times the market price
        of the share. But on purchase of the shares it is highly possible that the key management personnel will leave
        the company.
        1.  State whether Tee Limited has control over Kay Limited.
        2.  What would be your answer if Tee Limited had 51% of shares in Kay Limited and Kay Limited could start

            the  research,  development  and  production  of  weapons  only  with  the  stringent  approval  process  of  the
            defense ministry of the Central Government.

        As per Ind AS 110, an investor controls an investee if and only if the investor has all the following:
        1.  Power over the investee:
        Further, as per the standard, an investor has power over an investee when the investor has existing rights that
        give  it  the  current  ability  to  direct  the  relevant  activities,  i.e.  the  activities  that  significantly  affect  the

        investee’s returns.

        2.  Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee
        As per the standard, an investor is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the
        investee  when  the  investor’s  returns  from  its  involvement  have  the  potential  to  vary  as  a  result  of  the

        investee’s performance.

        3.  The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns
        An investor is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee when the
        investor’s returns from its involvement have the potential to vary as a result of the investee’s performance.

        The investor’s returns can be only positive, only negative or both positive and negative.  - same as point 2?

        Based on the above guidance, following can be concluded:
        (a) Tee limited has acquired 48% in Kay Limited. The purpose of acquiring the shares by Tee limited in it is
        to substantiate their position in the industry. Kay Limited is a specialist entity that is engaged in advanced

        research in weapons. Acquiring Kay Limited will help Tee limited to gain access to their research which would
        complement Tee Limited’s operations and business of developing light weight and medium weight guns.
        The  key  management  personnel  who  hold  52%  shares  of  Kay  Limited  are  key  for  running  Kay  Limited’s
        business  of  advanced  research  and  will  help  Tee  limited  to  acquire  the  market  through  groundbreaking
        advanced researches of Kay Limited. In case of acquisition of 52% stake of Kay Limited, the key management

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