Page 2 - 28. COMPILER QB - IND AS 8
P. 2


                         ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CHANGES IN


                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 9)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                   28.1
                                2                  MTP Questions                    28.8

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 28.11

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (RTP May 19; MTP Oct 18)

        ABC Ltd. changed its method adopted for inventory valuation in the year 2018-2019. Prior to the change,
        inventory was valued using the first in first out method (FIFO). However, it was felt that in order to match
        current practice and to make the financial statements more relevant and reliable, a weighted average valuation
        model would be more appropriate.
        The effect of the change in the method of valuation of inventory was as follows:

        ●  31st March, 2017 - Increase of Rs 10 million
        ●  31st March, 2018 - Increase of Rs 15 million
        ●  31st March, 2019 - Increase of Rs 20 million
        Profit or loss under the FIFO valuation model are as follows:

                                                                2018-2019          2017-2018

                          Revenue                                 324                296
                          Cost of goods sold                      (173)              (164)
                          Gross profit                             151               132
                          Expenses                                (83)               (74)
                          Profit                                   68                 58

        Retained earnings at 31st March, 2017 were Rs 423 million
        Present the change in accounting policy in the profit or loss and produce an extract of the statement of
        changes in equity in accordance with Ind AS 8.

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