Page 4 - 28. COMPILER QB - IND AS 8
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                                                     Cheery Limited
        Extract from the Statement of profit and loss
                                                                20X4-X5         20X3-X4
                                                                   Rs.             Rs.
                               Sales                             1,04,000        73,500

                               Cost of goods sold                (80,000)       (60,000)
                               Profit before income taxes        24,000          13,500
                               Income taxes                      (7,200)         (4,050)
                               Profit                             16,800          9,450
                               Basic and diluted EPS              3.36            1.89

        Cheery Limited Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                                        Share    Retained   Total
                                                                        capital   earnings
                      Balance at 31stMarch, 20X3                        50,000    20,000    70,000
                      Profit for the year ended 31stMarch, 20X4 as restated       9,450     9,450
                      Balance at 31stMarch, 20X4                        50,000    29,450    79,450
                      Profit for the year ended 31stMarch, 20X5                   16,800    16,800
                      Balance at 31stMarch, 20X5                        50,000    46,250    96,250

        Extract from the Notes
        Some products that had been sold in 20X3-X4 were incorrectly included in inventory at 31stMarch, 20X4 at
        Rs. 6,500.  The financial statements of 20X3-X4 have been restated to correct this error. The effect of the
        restatement on those financial statements is summarized below:

                                                                                Effect on
                             (Increase) in cost of goods sold                    (6,500)
                             Decrease in income tax expenses                       1,950
                             (Decrease) in profit                                (4,550)
                             (Decrease) in basic and diluted EPS                  (0.91)
                             (Decrease) in inventory                             (6,500)
                             Decrease in income tax payable                        1,950
                             (Decrease) in equity                                (4,550)
        There is no effect on the balance sheet at the beginning of the preceding period i.e.  1  April,20X3.
        Note -  In 2003-04, we have Sold more. Therefore, COGS will be more. More than 53,500 i.e. 53,500 + 6,500
        = 60,000

        Q3 (May 20)

        While preparing the financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 20X3, Alpha Limited has observed
        two issues in the previous year Ind AS financial statements (i.e. 31st March, 20X2) which are as follows:

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