Page 2 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
P. 2


                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 5)


                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.
                                 1                  RTP Questions                   32.1

                                2               Past Exam Questions                 32.12

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (RTP Nov 18)

        Mr. X, is the financial controller of ABC Ltd., a listed entity which prepares consolidated financial statements
        in accordance with Ind AS. Mr. X has recently produced the final draft of the financial statements of ABC
        Ltd.  for  the  year  ended  31 March,  2018  to  the  managing  director  for  approval.  Mr.  Y,  who  is  not  an
        accountant, had raised following queries from Mr. X after going through the draft financial statements:
            A.  One of the notes to the financial statements gives details of purchases made by ABC Ltd. from PQR
               Ltd. during the period. Mr. Y own 100% of the shares in PQR Ltd. However, he feels that there is no
               requirement for any disclosure to be made in ABC Ltd.’s financial statements since the transaction is
               carried out on normal commercial terms and is totally insignificant to ABC Ltd., as it represents less
               than 1% of ABC Ltd.’s purchases.

            B.  The notes to the financial statements say that plant and equipment is held under the ‘cost model’.
               However, property which is owner occupied is revalued annually to fair value. Changes in fair value are
               sometimes reported in profit or loss but usually in ‘other comprehensive income’. Also, the amounts of
               depreciation charge to plant and equipment as a percentage of its carrying amount is much higher than

               for owner occupied property. Another note states that property owned by ABC Ltd. but rent out to
               others is depreciated annually and not fair valued. Mr. Y is of the opinion that there is no consistent
               treatment of PPE items in the accounts. Elucidate how all these treatments comply with the relevant
               Ind AS.
            C.  In the year to March, 2018, ABC Ltd. spent considerable amount on designing a new product. ABC Ltd.
               spent  the  six  months  from  April,  2017  to  September,  2017  researching  into  the  feasibility  of  the

               product. Mr. X charged these research costs to profit or loss. From October, 2017, A Ltd. was confident
               that the product would be commercially successful and A Ltd. is fully committed to finance its future
               development. A Ltd. spent remaining part of the year in developing the product, which is expected to
               start from selling in the next few months. These development costs have been recognised as intangible
               assets in the Balance Sheet. State whether the treatment done by Mr. X is correct when all these

               research and development costs are design costs. Just if your answer with reference to relevant IndAS.
        Provide answers to the queries raised by the managing director Mr. Y as per Ind AS.
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