Page 5 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
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(c)  Short Term Provisions                         1,06,500
                           TOTAL                                                   5,21,000
                           (1) Non-Current Assets
                                (a) Property, plant and equipment (net)            1,00,000
                                (b) Long-term Loans and Advances                   40,000

                                (c)  Other Non-Current Assets                      50,000
                           (2) Current Assets
                                (a) Current Investment                             30,000
                                (b) Inventories                                    80,000
                                (c)  Trade Receivables                             55,000
                                (d) Cash and Bank Balances                         1,15,000
                                (e) Other Current Assets                           51,000
                           TOTAL                                                   5,21,000

        Additional information of Softbharti Pvt Ltd.:
         ●  Deferred tax liability of Rs. 6,000 is created due to following temporary difference: Difference in

            depreciation amount as per Income tax and Accounting profit
         ●  There is only one property, plant and equipment in the company, whose closing balance as at 31st March,
            2020 is as follows:

                        Asset description                    As per Books       As per Income tax
                        Property, plant and equipment         Rs. 1,00,000          Rs. 80,000

         ●  Pre-incorporation expenses are deductible on a straight line basis over the period of five years as per
            Income tax. However, the same are immediately expensed off in the books.
         ●  Current  tax  is  calculated  at  30%  on  PBT  -  Rs.  3,55,000  without  doing  any  adjustments  related  to
            Income  tax.  The  correct  current  tax  after  doing  necessary  adjustments  of  allowances  /  disallowances
            related to Income tax comes to Rs. 1,25,700.
         ●  After the reporting period, the directors have recommended a dividend of Rs. 15,000 for the year ending

            31st March, 2020 which has been deducted from reserves and surplus. Dividend payable of Rs. 15,000 has
            been grouped under ‘other current liabilities’ along with other financial liabilities.
         ●  There are ‘Government statutory dues’ amounting to Rs. 15,000 which are grouped under ‘other current

         ●  The capital advances amounting to Rs. 50,000 are grouped under ‘Other non-current assets’.
         ●  Other current assets of Rs. 51,000 comprise Interest receivable from trade receivables.
         ●  Current investment of Rs. 30,000 is in shares of a company which was done with the purpose of trading;
            current  investment  has  been  carried  at  cost  in  the  financial  statements.  The  fair  value  of  current
            investment in this case is Rs. 50,000 as at 31  March, 2020.
         ●  Actuarial  gain  on  employee  benefit  measurements  of  Rs.  1,000  has  been  omitted  in  the  financials  of
            Softbharti private limited for the year ending 31  March, 2020.
        The financial statements for the financial year 2019-2020 have not been yet approved.
        You are required to ascertain whether the financial statements of Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. are correctly presented
        as  per  the  applicable  financial  reporting  framework.  If  not,  prepare  the  revised  financial  statements  of

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