Page 4 - 34.1 FR MARCH 22 MTP QP
P. 4

Asset 1     Asset 2     Asset 3    Asset 4    Total
                                                Valuation   Valuation     Cost       Cost
                                                  Rs.          Rs.         Rs.        Rs.       Rs.

                    Cost or revaluation          5,000        2,000       4,000      4,500     15,500
                    Accumulated deprecation      (1,000)      (500)      (2,000)    (1,700)   (5,200)
                    Net book value               4,000        1,500       2,000      2,800     10,300
                    Revaluation surplus          2,500         500          -          -       3,000
        On adoption of Ind AS, its management decides that, under Ind AS, it will:
        −    Continue to revalue asset 1. The fair value of asset 1 at the date of transition is not materially different
             from its carrying value under previous GAAP;
        −    Use the previous valuation of asset 2 as deemed cost, and adopt a policy of cost less depreciation under

             Ind AS;
        −    Adopt a policy of revaluation for asset 3. The fair value of asset 3 at the entity's date of transition is Rs.
        −    Continue to use a policy of cost less depreciation for asset 4.

        All depreciation methods are already in accordance with those required by Ind AS 16.
        Discuss  the  treatment  under  Ind  AS  of  valuation  of  assets  1,  2,  3  &  4,  being  part  of  property,  plant  &
        equipment? INDAS 101

        Question 3

        (a) INDAS 36 Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. has three Cash Generating units namely Train, Railway station and
            Railway tracks, the carrying amounts of which as on 31st March, 20X1 are as follows:
                       Cash Generating units         Carrying amount         Remaining useful life
                                                      (Rs. in crore)
                       Train                              1,500                       10
                       Railway station                    2,250                       20
                       Railway tracks                     3,300                       20

        Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. also has two Corporate Assets having a remaining useful life of 20 years.
                                        (Rs. in crore)
                       Corporate Assets    Carrying      Remarks
                       Land                  1,800       The  carrying  amount  of  Land  can  be  allocated
                                                         on  a  reasonable  basis  (i.e.,  pro  rata  basis)  to
                                                         the individual cash generating units.
                       Buildings              600        The  carrying  amount  of  Buildings  cannot  be
                                                         allocated on a reasonable basis to the individual
                                                         cash-generating units.
        Recoverable amount as on 31st March, 20X1 is as follows:
                       Cash Generating units                               Recoverable Amount
                                                                              (Rs. in crore)
                       Train                                                      1,800
                       Railway station                                            2,700

                       Railway tracks                                             4,200
                       Company as a whole                                         9,600

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