Page 7 - 34.1 FR MARCH 22 MTP QP
P. 7

Share capital                             2,000              500
                         Retained earnings                         1,400              300
                                                                   3,400              800
                         Non-current liabilities                   3,000              400
                         Current liabilities                       1,250              650
                                                                   7,650              1,850

        Further information:
        (i)  On the date of acquisition the fair values of S Limited's plant exceeded its book value by Rs. 2,00,000.
             The plant had a remaining useful life of five years at this date;
        (ii)  The consolidated goodwill has been impaired by Rs. 2,58,000; and
        (iii)  The  A  Limited  Group,  values  the  non-controlling  interest  using  the  fair  value  method.  At  the  date  of

             acquisition, the fair value of the 20% non-controlling interest was Rs. 3,80,000.
        You are required to prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet of A Limited as at 31 st March, 20X3. (Notes to
        Account on Consolidated Balance Sheet is not required). (INDAS 103)

        (b) M Limited had constructed another factory few years ago with the assistance of yet another government
            grant,  'Innovative  Product'.  The  grant  is  non-repayable  and,  following  the  construction  of  the  factory,
            cannot be clawed back by the government. There are no further conditions attached to the grant that the

            Company  is  required  to  satisfy.  The  grant  received  has  been  treated  as  deferred  income  and  is  being
            credited to the income statement over the same period as the factory is being depreciated. Following an
            adverse change in the demand of the product the factory manufactures, during the year at the reporting
            date, the directors have concluded that the factory's carrying value is no longer recoverable in full and
            that  a  write  down for  impairment  is  required.  The  write  down is  more  than  covered  by  the  amortized

            deferred income balance related to the grant.
        Discuss,  in  the  context  of  Ind  AS  framework  and  Ind  AS  20,  the  impairment  of  the  factory  for  which
        'Innovative Product' government grant, has been received. Would your answer be different, if there are further
        conditions attached to grant beyond construction of factory?

        Question 6

        (a) Wheel Co. Limited borrowed Rs. 50,00,00,000 from a bank on 1st April, 20X1. The original terms of the
            loan were as follows:
        ●    Interest rate: 11%
        ●    Repayment of principal in 5 equal instalments
        ●    Payment of interest annually on accrual basis

        ●    Upfront processing fee: Rs. 58,70,096
        ●    Effective interest rate on loan: 11.50%
        On 31st March, 20X3, Wheel Co. Limited approached the bank citing liquidity issues in meeting the cash flows

        required for immediate instalments and re-negotiated the terms of the loan with banks as follows:
        ●    Interest rate 15%

        ●    Repayment of outstanding principal in 10 equal instalments starting 31 st March, 20X4
        ●    Payment of interest on an annual basis

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