Page 77 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 77

Fair value accounting estimates where the model used   •  (E.g., Equity share valuation through
                      to measure the accounting estimate is well known or    net asset method is very simple and
                      Generally accepted, provided that the assumptions or   well-known method)
                      inputs to the model are observable.

                       Accounting estimates derived from data that is Readily   •  (E.g.,  Average  PE  ratio  was

                      available,  such  as  published  interest  rate  data  or   computed  for  retail  industry  from
                      exchange-traded prices of securities. Such data may be   share  prices  and  earnings  of  listed
                      referred to as “observable” in the context of a fair value   companies  and  same  was  used  to
                      accounting estimate.                                   value  a  private  company  shares  in
                                                                             retail industry) (Investment)

                 Authors Note

                      •  Shortcut to remember - FMCG ki Report mine bahut kam uncertainty hai
                      •  Examples are provided for better understanding of the points.

                 Estimates (Risk Assessment)         Old Course – (M11E, M12M, N12R, M16M, SM17, PM17, M18M,
        QNO      TITANIUM CNO—SA540.120
        81.000                                                                            SM21, M21M, M22E)
                                                                                          New Course – (SM23)
                 While auditing Z Ltd., you observe certain material financial statement assertions have been based on
                 estimates  made  by  the  management.  As  the  auditor  how  do  you  minimize  the  risk  of  material
                 CA Harry is appointed as a Statutory Auditor of Delist Limited for the financial year 2021-22. M/s Delist
                 Limited is a listed entity at National Stock Exchange and the financial statements are to be drawn up in

                 compliance with Ind AS. M/s Delist Limited made certain fair value accounting estimates on complex
                 financial instruments which are not traded in an active and open market. CA Harry is concerned with
                 identification and assessment of the risks of material misstatement for accounting estimates. Guide him
                 with regard to the estimation making process adopted by management with reference to the relevant
                 Standard on Auditing.

        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA  540,  Auditing  Accounting  Estimates,  Including  Fair  Value  Accounting  Estimates  and  Related

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Risk Assessment Procedures: - In risk assessment procedure we obtain understanding which
                        will become basis of identifying and assessing risk
                        As per SA 540, the auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following in order to provide a basis
                        for  the  identification  and  assessment  of  the  risks  of  material  misstatements  for  accounting

                     ➢  Important Overall Understandings: -
                               How Mgt Identifies TEC which need accounting estimates to be recognised, disclosed
                               or need to revise existing estimates / Requirements of applicable FRF
                                   •  The requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework relevant to the
                                       accounting estimates, including related disclosures.
                                   •  How Management identifies those transactions, events and conditions that may
                                       give rise to the need for accounting estimates to be recognised or disclosed, in
                                       the financial statements. In obtaining this understanding, the auditor shall make
                                       inquiries of management about changes in circumstances that may give rise to
                                       new, or the need to revise existing, accounting estimates.

                     ➢  Estimation Process Including: -
                               Relevant Controls / Expert / Methods Including Model / Assumptions
                     ➢  Additional Information: -
                               Changes from Prior Period / Management’s Assessment of Estimation Uncertainty                                                      PARAM                               3.27 | P a g e
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