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P. 80

Content  of  WR,  in  case  of  estimates  and                          Old Course – (M19M, N19E, SM21)
                 consequences of refusal
                 TITANIUM CNO—SA540.220
                 Statutory  auditor  of  O  Ltd  requested  the  management  for  a  written  representation  in  respect  of
                 obsolescence of inventory and warranty obligations recognized by the company in its financial statements.
                 The management denied the representation on the ground that during the course of audit, all the required
                 procedures were performed by the auditor and after obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence,
                 auditor has issued a clean report. Please comment.

                 Mr. L while conducting the observed that inventory and warranty obligation in the financial statements,
                 Mr.  L  wants  to  obtain  written  representation  from  the  management  to  determine  whether  the
                 assumptions and estimates used are reasonable.
                 Guide Mr. L with reference to the relevant Standard on Auditing,
        Answer       ➢  As per SA 540 Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates
                        and Related Disclosures:

                         The auditor shall obtain written representations from the management and, where appropriate,
                        those  charged  with  governance  whether  they  believe  significant  assumptions  used  in  making
                        accounting estimates are reasonable.
                        Depending on the nature, materiality and extent of estimation uncertainty, written representations
                        about  accounting  estimates  recognised  or  disclosed  in  the  financial  statements  may  include
                                About the appropriateness of the measurement processes, including related assumptions
                               and models, used by management in determining accounting estimates in the context of
                               the  applicable  financial  reporting  framework,  and the consistency  in  application  of  the
                                That the assumptions appropriately reflect management’s intent and ability to carry out
                               specific  courses  of  action  on  behalf  of  the  entity,  where  relevant  to  the  accounting
                               estimates and disclosures.
                                That disclosure related to accounting estimates are complete and appropriate under the
                               applicable financial reporting framework.
                                That no subsequent event requires adjustment to the accounting estimates and disclosures
                               included in the financial statements.

                     ➢  For those accounting estimates not recognised or disclosed in the financial statements, written
                        representations may also include representations about:

                                The appropriateness of the basis used by management for determining that the recognition
                               or disclosure criteria of the applicable financial reporting framework have not been met.
                                The  appropriateness  of  the  basis  used  by  management  to  overcome  the  presumption
                               relating to the use of fair value set forth under the entity’s applicable financial reporting
                               framework, for those accounting estimates not measured or disclosed at fair value.

                     ➢  Thus, management’s contention on the ground that during the course of audit, all the required
                        procedures  were  performed  by  the  auditor  and  after  obtaining  sufficient  appropriate  audit
                        evidence, auditor has issued a clean report, for not providing written representation is not correct.
                        The management should provide written representations to the auditor.

                        Further as per SA 580 Written Representation, if management does not provide one or more of the
                        requested written representations, the auditor shall:-

                                Discuss the matter with management.
                                Re-evaluate the integrity of management and evaluate the effect that this may have on the
                               reliability of representations (oral or written) and audit evidence in general; and
                                Take appropriate actions, including determining the possible effect on the opinion in the
                               auditor’s report in accordance with SA 705.

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