Page 159 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 159

CA Ravi Taori

           Description of   Gross carrying    Held in name       Whether        Period held –   Reason for not
             property           value                  of       promoter,      indicate range,   being held in
                                                              director or their    where            name of
                                                                relative or      Appropriate       company*
                                                                                                *also indicate if
                 -                 -                -                -                -
                                                                                                   in dispute

         Revaluation  of  Assets:  The  auditor  must  state  whether  the  company  revalued  its  Property,  Plant,  and
         Equipment (including Right of Use assets) or intangible assets during the year. If so, it should be based on a
         valuation by a Registered Valuer. If there is a change of 10% or more in the aggregate net carrying value of each
         class of assets, the amount of change should be specified.
         Benami  Property  Proceedings:  The auditor should  report if  there  have  been  any  proceedings  initiated  or
         pending  against  the  company  under  the  Benami  Transactions  (Prohibition)  Act,  1988  and  the  rules  made
         thereunder  for  holding  any  benami  property.  If  such  proceedings  exist,  it  should  be  verified  whether  the
         company has disclosed the details appropriately in its financial statements.

         ii) (CNO CARO.060) Inventory
         Physical Verification: The auditor must state whether the management has conducted physical verification of
         inventory  at  reasonable  intervals.  The  auditor  should  also  give  an  opinion  on  whether  the  coverage  and
         procedure of such verification by the management is appropriate. If there are any discrepancies of 10% or more
         in the aggregate for each class of inventory, it should be noted whether they have been properly dealt with in
         the books of account.
         Working Capital Limits and Quarterly Returns: The auditor should report whether, at any point during the
         year, the company was sanctioned working capital limits in excess of five crore rupees in aggregate from banks
         or financial institutions based on the security of current assets. It should be verified whether the quarterly returns
         or statements filed by the company with such banks or financial institutions agree with the company's books of
         account, and if not, the details should be provided.

         iii) (CNO CARO.080) Loans or advances granted.
         1.  Financial  Engagements:  The auditor must state  whether  the  company engaged in making  investments,
         providing guarantees or securities, or granting loans or advances in the nature of loans, whether secured or
         unsecured, to companies, firms, Limited Liability Partnerships, or other parties during the year.
         2.  Aggregate  amounts:  If  the  company  has  provided  loans  or  advances  in  the  nature  of  loans,  stood  as  a
         guarantor,  or  provided  security  to  any  other  entity  during  the  year  (excluding  companies  whose  principal
         business is to give loans), the auditor should indicate this in the report.
         2A. Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, and Associates: The auditor should report the aggregate amount involved in
         transactions such as loans, advances, guarantees, or securities during the year, and the balance outstanding at the
         balance sheet date concerning subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates.
         2B.  Other  Parties:  The  auditor  should  state  the  aggregate  amount  involved  in  transactions  such  as  loans,
         advances,  guarantees,  or  securities  during  the  year,  and  the  balance  outstanding  at  the  balance  sheet  date
         concerning parties other than subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates.
         3.  Prejudicial  to  the  company’s  interest.:  The  auditor  should  confirm  whether  the  investments  made,
         guarantees provided, security given, and the terms and conditions of all loans and advances in the nature of loans
         and guarantees provided are not prejudicial to the company’s interest.
         4. Repayment Schedule & Repayment Regularity:

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