Page 163 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 163

CA Ravi Taori

         2A. Core Investment Company (CIC) Status: whether the company is a Core Investment Company (CIC) as
         defined in the regulations made by the Reserve Bank of India, if so, whether it continues to fulfil the criteria of
         a CIC, and in case the company is an exempted or unregistered CIC, whether it continues to fulfil such criteria.
         2B. Number of CICs: whether the Group has more than one CIC as part of the Group, if yes, indicate the
         number of CICs which are part of the Group;

         (xvii) (CNO CARO.360) Cash Losses:
         Incurred  Cash  Losses:  whether  the  company  has  incurred  cash  losses  in  the  financial  year  and  in  the
         immediately preceding financial year, if so, state the amount of cash losses;

         (xviii) (CNO CARO.380) Resignation:
         Resignation: whether there has been any resignation of the statutory auditors during the year, if so,
         Consideration of Issues: whether the auditor has taken into consideration the issues, objections or concerns
         raised by the outgoing auditors;

         (xix) (CNO CARO.400) Material uncertainty (MU):
         Opinion on MU: on the basis of the financial ratios, ageing and expected dates of realisation of financial assets
         and payment  of financial  liabilities,  other information  accompanying  the  financial statements,  the auditor’s
         knowledge of the Board of Directors and management plans, whether the auditor is of the opinion that no
         material uncertainty exists as on the date of the audit report that company is capable of meeting its liabilities
         existing at the date of balance sheet as and when they fall due. within a period of one year from the balance sheet

         (xx) (CNO CARO.420) CSR
         Transfer of Unspent Amount for Other Projects: (a) whether, in respect of other than ongoing projects, the
         company has transferred unspent amount to a Fund specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act within a
         period of six months of the expiry of the financial year in compliance with second proviso to sub-section (5) of
         section 135 of the said Act;
         Transfer of Unspent Amount for Ongoing Projects: (b) whether any amount remaining unspent under sub-
         section (5) of section 135 of the Companies Act, pursuant to any ongoing project, has been transferred to special
         account in compliance with the provision of sub-section (6) of section 135 of the said Act;

         (xxi) (CNO CARO.440) Consolidated financial statements,
         Qualifications or Adverse Remarks in CARO Reports: whether there have been any qualifications or adverse
         remarks by the respective auditors in the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order (CARO) reports of the companies
         included in the consolidated financial statements,
         Details of Companies and Paragraph Numbers: if yes, indicate the details of the companies and the paragraph
         numbers of the CARO report containing the qualifications or adverse remarks.

         (CNO CARO.460) Reasons to be stated for unfavorable or qualified answers-
         Basis  for  Unfavourable  or  Qualified  Answers:  Where,  in  the  auditor's  report,  the  answer  to  any  of  the
         questions referred to in paragraph 3 is unfavourable or qualified, the auditor's report shall also state the basis for
         such unfavourable or qualified answer, as the case may be.
         Inability to Express an Opinion: Where the auditor is unable to express any opinion on any specified matter,
         his report shall indicate such fact together with the reasons as to why it is not possible for him to give his opinion
         on the same.                                                                                      07.37
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