Page 205 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 205

CA Ravi Taori
         Exercise of Professional Judgment: The auditor exercises professional judgment in evaluating the materiality
         of any misstatements that the entity has not corrected.

         (CNO SRE 2410.100) Management representations.
         1A. Responsibility of FST: The interim financial information is prepared and presented in accordance with the
         applicable financial reporting framework.
         1B.  Responsibility  of  ICS:  The  auditor  should  obtain  written  representation  from  management  that  it
         acknowledges its responsibility for the design and implementation of internal control to prevent and detect fraud
         and error.

         (Shortcut in sequence of Importance)
         2A. Disclosure of Non-compliance with Laws: Management has disclosed to the auditor all known actual or
         possible  non-compliance  with  laws  and  regulations  whose  effects  are  to  be  considered  when  preparing  the
         interim financial information.
         2B. Disclosure of Frauds or Suspected Frauds: Management has disclosed to the auditor all significant facts
         relating to any frauds or suspected frauds known to management that may have affected the entity.
         2C. Disclosure of Risk Assessment Results: It has disclosed to the auditor the results of its assessment of the
         risks that the interim financial information may be materially misstated as a result of fraud.
         2D. Disclosure of Significant Subsequent Events: Management has disclosed to the auditor all significant
         events that have occurred subsequent to the balance sheet date and through to the date of the review report that
         may require adjustment to or disclosure in the interim financial information.

         (CNO SRE 2410.120) Auditor’s Responsibility for Accompanying Information (Like other Info of SA 720)
         Material Inconsistency
         Reading Accompanying Information: The auditor should read the other information that accompanies the
         interim financial  information to consider whether any such information is materially inconsistent with the
         interim financial information.
         Identifying Material Inconsistency: If the auditor identifies a material inconsistency, the auditor considers
         whether the interim financial information or the other information needs to be amended.
         Amendment  in  Interim  Financial  Information:  If  an  amendment  is  necessary  in  the  interim  financial
         information and management refuses to make such amendment, the auditor considers the implications for the
         review report.
         Amendment in Other Information: If an amendment is necessary in the other information and management
         refuses to make such amendment, the auditor considers including in the review report an additional paragraph
         describing the material inconsistency or taking other actions.
         Withold or withdraw: The auditor may take actions such as withholding the issuance of the review report or
         withdrawing from the engagement, especially if alternative measures presented by management are confusing
         and potentially misleading.
         Other information appears to be materially. misstated
         Read  OI:  While  reading  the  other  information  for  the  purpose  of  identifying  material  inconsistencies,  an
         apparent material misstatement of fact may come to the auditor’s attention.
         Material Misstatement in OI: If a matter comes to the auditor’s attention that causes the auditor to believe that
         the other information appears to include a material misstatement of fact, the auditor should discuss the matter
         with the entity’s management.
         Discussing  with  Management:  When  discussing  the  matter  with  the  entity’s  management,  the  auditor
         considers  the  validity  of the  other  information  and  management’s  responses  to  the  auditor’s  inquiries,  and
         whether valid differences of judgment or opinion exist.

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