Page 206 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 206

CA Ravi Taori
         Consulting a Third Party: The auditor may request management to consult with a qualified third party to
         resolve the apparent misstatement of fact if there are disagreements or uncertainties.
         Management’s Refusal to Amend: If an amendment is necessary to correct a material misstatement of fact and
         management refuses to make the amendment, the auditor considers taking further action as appropriate.
         Notifying  Governance  and  Legal  Advice:  Such  further  actions  may  include  notifying  those  charged  with
         governance and obtaining legal advice.

         (CNO SRE 2410.140) Communication
         1A.  Communicate  MMST  to  appropriate  level  of  management:  When  a  matter  comes  to  the  auditor’s
         attention, indicating  a  necessity  for  a material  adjustment to  the interim  financial  information,  the auditor
         should communicate this matter promptly to the appropriate level of management.
         1B.  Management’s  Inappropriate  Response:  If  management  does  not  respond  appropriately  within  a
         reasonable period of time, the auditor should inform those charged with governance as soon as practicable.
         2A. Inappropriate Response from TCWG: When those charged with governance do not respond appropriately
         within  a  reasonable  period,  the  auditor  should  consider  modifying  the  report,  withdrawing  from  the
         engagement, or resigning from the appointment to audit the annual financial statements.
         3A. Communication of Fraud or Noncompliance: Upon discovering evidence of fraud or noncompliance with
         laws  and  regulations,  the  auditor  should  communicate  the  matter  promptly  to  the  appropriate  level  of
         management, considering the likelihood of collusion or involvement of a member of management. The auditor
         also considers the need to report such matters to those charged with governance and evaluates the implication
         for the review.
         3B.  Communicate  Matters  of  Governance  Interest: The  auditor should  communicate  relevant  matters  of
         governance interest that arise from the review of interim financial information to those charged with governance,
         especially matters important and relevant to overseeing the financial reporting and disclosure process.
         4A. Oral or Written Communication: The auditor’s decision whether to communicate orally or in writing is
         influenced by factors such as the nature, sensitivity, and significance of the matter, and the timing of such
         4B.  Documentation  of  Oral  Communication:  If  the  information  is  communicated  orally,  the  auditor
         documents the communication.

         (CNO  SRE  2410.160)  Reporting  the  Nature,  Extent  and  Results  of  the  Review  of  Interim  Financial
         The auditor should issue a written report that contains the following:
         Title:  An appropriate title.
         Addressee:  An addressee, as required by the circumstances of the engagement.
         Introductory Para:
         Management's Responsibility: The report should state that management is responsible for the preparation and
         fair presentation (or just preparation and presentation, as applicable) of the interim financial information in
         accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
         Auditor's  Responsibility:  It  should  include  a  statement  that  the  auditor  is  responsible  for  expressing  a
         conclusion on the interim financial information based on the review.
         Conduct of the Review: The report should state that the review was conducted in accordance with SRE 2410
         and consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and
         applying analytical and other review procedures.
         Scope of Review vs Audit: A statement should clarify that a review is substantially less in scope than an audit,
         does not enable the auditor to obtain assurance that they would become aware of all significant matters identified
         in an audit, and accordingly, no audit opinion is expressed.

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