Page 21 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 21

CA Ravi Taori

                02                  GENERAL AUDITING PRINCIPLES AND

                                         AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES

         Case Study-- CA Bijoy
         Allegations: CA. Bijoy's client, a  listed  company, is  facing  allegations  of violations  of securities  laws,  price
         manipulation, and undisclosed related-party transactions. Despite being highly leveraged, the company has met
         its obligations. SEBI has also taken notice of the allegations.
         Audit Risk: Given these allegations, there is a heightened level of audit risk and potential fraud risk factors. Last
         year's  audits  were  conducted  as  per  standards  and  didn't  reveal  any  wrongdoing,  but  the  current  scenario
         demands greater vigilance.
         Audit Procedure: The perceived increase in risk necessitates the design and implementation of specific audit
         procedures to detect material misstatement due to fraud.
         Impact on the financial statements: Suspected non-compliance could have significant impacts on the financial
         statements and could lead to penalties. Bijoy is considering whether he needs legal advice if management is
         uncooperative, and how this could affect his opinion.
         Communication  with  Audit  Committee:  If  Bijoy  suspects  management  fraud,  whether  he  should
         communicate these suspicions to the audit committee and discussing the nature, timing, and extent of audit
         procedures necessary to complete the audit.

         Auditor's Responsibilities (SA 200): Establishes the overall responsibilities of an independent auditor during a
         audit  of  financial  Statements.  Emphasizes  the  need  for  professional  skepticism  and  alertness  to  potential
         misstatements due to errors or fraud.
         Fraud Detection (SA 240): Specifies the auditor's responsibilities in identifying and addressing fraud during an
         audit. Requires the auditor to remain vigilant for any material misstatements due to fraud.
         Legal Compliance (SA 250): Outlines the auditor's duties in assessing an entity's compliance with laws and
         regulations. Non-compliance may lead to fines, litigation, or other consequences that could materially affect
         financial statements.
         Governance Communication (SA 260): Details the auditor's responsibilities in communicating with those
         charged with governance. Emphasizes the importance of timely communication during an audit.
         Joint Audit (SA 299): Provides special considerations for auditors' responsibilities in a joint audit scenario.
         Third-Party  Services  (SA  402):  Discusses  the  auditor's  responsibility  to  obtain  sufficient  appropriate  audit
         evidence when activities are outsourced to a third-party service organization.

                                                          SA 240


         (CNO-SA240.020) Auditor's Responsibilities and Objectives Under SA 240.
            ▪  SA 240 deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements.
            ▪  It assists the auditor.
                 o  in identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement due to fraud and
                 o  in designing procedures to detect such misstatement.
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