Page 18 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 18

CA Ravi Taori
          resolving these differences

          (CNO-SA 220.200) Monitoring

          1A. Monitoring Significance: Monitoring is a crucial part of a firm's quality control system.
          1B.  Monitoring  Purpose:  The  aim  of  monitoring  is  to  provide  assurance  that  the  firm's  quality  control
          policies and procedures are relevant, adequate, and functioning effectively.
          2A.  Partner  Responsibility:  The  engagement  partner  has  the  duty  to  consider  the  results  of  the  firm's
          monitoring process.
          2B. Information Review: The engagement partner must review the latest information circulated by the firm
          and, if applicable, other network firms.
          2C.  Deficiency  Impact:  The  engagement  partner  needs  to  assess  the  potential  impact  of  any  identified
          deficiencies on the audit engagement.

          (CNO-SA220.220) Documentation (About each element)

          1A.  Ethical  requirements:  Document  issues  identified  concerning  compliance  with  relevant  ethical
          requirements and their resolution.
          1B.  Independence:  Record  conclusions  on  compliance  with  independence  requirements  applicable  to  the
          audit engagement, including any relevant discussions with the firm that support these conclusions.
          2. Acceptance and continuation: Note conclusions reached about the acceptance and continuation of client
          relationships and audit engagements.
          3A.  Consultations: Detail  the  nature, scope,  and  conclusions  of consultations  undertaken during the  audit
          engagement.  Besides,  the  engagement  quality  control  reviewer  shall  document,  for  the  audit  engagement
          reviewed, that:
          3B. EQCR & Timing: All necessary procedures required by the firm's policies on engagement quality control
          review have been performed. The engagement quality control review has been completed on or before the date
          of the auditor's report.
          3C. Statement by Reviewer: The reviewer is not aware of any unresolved matters that would cause them to
          question  the  appropriateness  of  the  significant  judgments  made  by  the  engagement  team  and  their

          (CNO-SA220.240) SQC 1 VS. SA 220- Key Differences in Nature, Scope And Applicability

           Particulars                       SQC 1                                     SA 220
           Applicability    It  applies  to  audits,  reviews  of  historical  It is applicable only to audit engagements.
                            financial information, and other assurance
                            and related services engagements.
           Responsibility   The entire firm is subject to this standard,  It  applies  to  a  specific  audit  engagement,
                            with  the  CEO  or  managing  partners  with  the  engagement  partner  taking
                            assuming the responsibility.              responsibility.
           Purpose          It  involves  the  establishment  of  a  quality  It  deals  with  the  responsibilities  of
                            control  system  consisting  of  policies  and  engagement  teams  to  implement  quality
                            procedures for the firm as a whole.       control  procedures  applicable  to  audit
                            It  aims  to  ensure  that  the  firm  and  its  engagements.
                            personnel   comply    with   professional  It operates on the premise that the firm is
                            standards  and  regulatory  and  legal  subject  to  SQC  1,  making  SQC  1  a
                            requirements, ensuring appropriate reports  prerequisite for the applicability of SA 220.
                            are issued.

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