Page 214 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 214

CA Ravi Taori
         • Statement of negative assurance as to whether the assumptions provide a reasonable basis for the prospective
         financial information
         Preparation based on assumptions:
         •  Opinion  as  to  whether  the  prospective  financial  information  is  properly  prepared  on  the  basis  of  the
         assumptions and is presented in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework
         •  Appropriate  caveats  concerning  the  achievability  of  the  results  indicated  by  the  prospective  financial
         Report's Date:
         • Date of the report, aligning with the completion date of the procedures
         Signature Location:
         • Place of signature
         Such a report would: -
         (Shortcut: Parul VORA made report)
         Projection's Intended Use:
         • In a projection scenario, the prospective financial data is structured for a specified use, leveraging a series of
         assumptions. These may encompass hypothetical forecasts about imminent events and managerial actions not
         necessarily predicted to transpire. Hence, users are advised that the prospective financial data ought not to be
         employed for purposes outside the specified use.
         Variation in Actual Results:
         • State that actual results might diverge from the prospective financial information since forecasted events often
         don't pan out as anticipated. The disparity can be substantial.
         Opinion Expression:
         • Express an opinion regarding the correctness of the prospective financial data's preparation in line with the
         assumptions and its presentation following the relevant financial reporting norms.
         Range Uncertainty:
         • When the prospective financial information is represented as a range, affirm that there's no guarantee that
         actual outcomes will align within this range.
         Unreasonable Assumptions:
         • State whether, grounded in the evaluation of evidence supporting the assumptions, anything has emerged
         which leads to the belief that the assumptions might not lay a reasonable foundation for the prospective financial

         Modified Opinion.
         Scope Limitation:
         •  When  the  examination  is  impacted  by  conditions  restricting  the  application  of  essential  procedures,  a
         withdrawal from the engagement or a disclaimer of opinion should be considered, outlining the scope limitation
         in the report.
         Unreasonable Basis for Assumptions:
         •  If  one  or  more  significant  assumptions  don't  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  the  prospective  financial
         information based on best-estimate or hypothetical assumptions, an adverse opinion detailing the reasons should
         be expressed, or engagement withdrawal is warranted.
         Inadequate Presentation and Disclosure:
         •  When  it  is  believed  that  the  presentation  and  disclosure  of  the  prospective  financial  information  is  not
         adequate, a qualified or adverse opinion in the report should be expressed or withdrawal from engagement
         should be considered.
         • An example is when financial information fails to adequately disclose the consequences of assumptions that
         are highly sensitive.

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