Page 219 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 219

CA Ravi Taori
         stated in that description and, in the case of a type 2 report, on the operating effectiveness of those controls, based
         on the service auditor’s procedures.
         6A. Engagement Accordance with SAE 3402: A statement that the engagement was performed in accordance
         with SAE 3402, “Assurance Reports on Controls at a Service Organization,” which requires that the service
         auditor comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform procedures to
         6B. Obtaining Reasonable Assurance: obtain reasonable assurance about whether, in all material respects, the
         service organization’s description of its system is fairly presented, and the controls are suitably designed and, in
         the case of a type 2 report, are operating effectively.
         6C.  Summary  of  Service  Auditor’s  Procedures:  A  summary  of  the  service  auditor’s  procedures  to  obtain
         reasonable assurance and a statement of the service auditor’s belief that the evidence obtained is sufficient and
         appropriate to provide a basis for the service auditor’s opinion, and, in the case of a type 1 report, a statement
         that the service auditor has not performed any procedures regarding, the operating effectiveness of controls and
         therefore no opinion is expressed thereon.
         6D. Statement of Controls Limitations: A statement of the limitations of controls and, in the case of a type 2
         report of the risk of projecting to future periods any evaluation of the operating effectiveness of controls.
         7. Opinion
         The service auditor’s opinion, expressed in the  positive form, on whether, in all material respects, based on
         suitable criteria:
         8. Statement on Users of Report: A statement that the report and, in the case of a type 2 report, the description
         of tests of controls are intended only for user entities and their auditors, who have a sufficient understanding to
         consider  it,  along  with  other  information  including  information  about  controls  operated  by  user  entities
         themselves, when assessing the risks of material misstatements of user entities’ financial statements.
         In the case of a type 2 report:
         Fairness:  The  description  fairly  presents  the  service  organization’s  system  that  had  been  designed  and
         implemented throughout the specified period.
         Suitability: The controls related to the control objectives stated in the service organization’s description of its
         system were suitably designed throughout the specified period; and
         Effectiveness: The controls tested, which were those necessary to provide reasonable assurance that the control
         objectives stated in the description were achieved, operated effectively throughout the specified period.

         In the case of a type 1 report:
         Fairness:  The  description  fairly  presents  the  service  organization’s  system  that  had  been  designed  and
         implemented as at the specified date and
         Suitability: The controls related to the control objectives stated in the service organization’s description of its
         system were suitably designed as at the specified date.
         Date: The date of the service auditor’s assurance report, which shall be no earlier than the date on which the
         service auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence on which to base the opinion.
         Signature: The report should be signed by the practitioner.
         Place: The report should name specific location, which is ordinarily the city where the report is signed.
         Additional matters requiring reporting in type 2 report:
         Additional Reporting in Type 2 Report: In the case of a type 2 report, the service auditor’s assurance report
         shall include a separate section after the opinion, or an attachment, that describes the tests of controls that were
         performed and the results of those tests.
         Description of Control Tests: In describing the tests of controls, the service auditor shall clearly state which
         controls were tested, identify whether the items tested represent all or a selection of the items in the population,
         and indicate the nature of the tests in sufficient detail to enable user auditors to determine the effect of such tests
         on their risk assessments.

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