Page 236 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 236

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO DAA.220) Remote Audit
         Definition: A remote or virtual audit is an audit conducted via online or electronic means, either partially or
         entirely.  The  auditor  uses  technology  to  gather  audit  evidence  and  review  documentation,  often  with  the
         auditee's participation.
         Planning: Audit planning and scoping are essential components of every audit. This process includes discussions
         about the audit's scope and schedule, as well as the methods to be used.
         Pandemic  Impact:  The  COVID-19  pandemic  has  significantly  altered  the  business  landscape,  necessitating
         adjustments to processes. In this new context, remote audits have become increasingly appreciated by clients.
         Considerations for remote audit:
         Auditors must develop tailored strategies to ensure the remote audit meets the requirements and deliver results
         equivalent to traditional onsite audits.
         Feasibility and Planning
         Feasibility: It's crucial to determine the technology to be used, ensure both auditors and auditees have the
         necessary competencies, and confirm that resources are available.
         Preparation:  Planning  involves  agreeing  on  audit  timelines,  selecting  the  meeting  platform  (e.g.,  Zoom,
         Microsoft  Teams,  Google  Meet)  for  audit  sessions,  and  determining  data  exchange  mechanisms  and  access
         authorization requests.
         Execution:  The  execution  phase  of  a  remote  audit  includes  video  or  teleconferencing  with  auditees.  Audit
         evidence documentation should be transferred via a document sharing platform.
         Confidentiality, Security and Data Protection
         1. VPN: When accessing the auditee's IT system, auditors should use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN
         creates a safe and encrypted online connection, preventing unauthorized users from entering the network and
         enabling remote work.
         2. Data Security: To ensure data security and confidentiality, access to the document sharing platform should
         be restricted and data should be encrypted when sent across the network. Once reviewed and documented by
         the auditor, information should be removed from the platform and stored according to applicable archiving
         standards and data protection requirements.
         3A. No recording: Auditors must consider legislation and regulations, which may require additional agreements
         from both parties. For example, agreements may stipulate no recording of sound and images, or authorizations
         for using people's images.
         3B. No screenshots: Auditors should not take screenshots of auditees as audit evidence. Any screenshots of
         documents, records, or other types of evidence should be pre-authorized by the audited organization.
         Risk assessment
         Clear and consistent communication between auditors and auditees is vital during remote audits. Risks to audit
         objectives must be identified, assessed, and managed. For each audit, the team and the audited organization's
         representative should assess and document if a remote audit meets the objectives.
         Advantages and Disadvantages of remote audit:
         (Shortcut: No Selection FEE)

         No disruption: The time required to gather evidence can be spread over several weeks, reducing disruption to
         daily activities.
         Selection: Remote audits widen the selection of auditors from a global network of experts.
         First-hand  evidence:  Auditors can  obtain  first-hand  evidence directly  from  the  IT system if direct  access is
         Flexibility (Enjoy Comfort): The audit team enjoys comfort and flexibility as they can work from a home
         Efficiency: Remote audits are cost and time-effective due to the elimination of travel time and expenses.
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