Page 239 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 239

CA Ravi Taori
         - Connectivity
         - Data Collection
         - Analytics
         Applications of IoT:
           - Connected Cars & Manufacturing Equipment
           - Smart Home Security (e.g., doorbell and outdoor cameras for remote viewing)
           - Predictive Maintenance (e.g., data predicting equipment malfunctions)
           - Smart Inventory (e.g., refrigerators auto-ordering eggs)
           - Cooking Assistance (e.g., ovens scanning QR/bar codes for optimal cooking settings)
           - Customer Behavior Research (noting potential privacy and security implications)
         - Impact on Business:
           - Altered strategic objectives.
           - Transformation of business models.
           - Changes in risk profile due to new regulations and laws.
         Audit Implications of IoT
         - Change in Audit Approach: Auditors might shift from manual controls to evaluating new automated systems.
         -  Skill  Requirements:  Upskilling  might  be  needed  for  auditors  to  assess  automated  control  designs  and
         -  New  Transaction  Pathways:  Introduction  of tools,  like  mobile payment  processing, necessitate  fresh  audit
         considerations regarding transactions, processes, and controls.
         Risks Associated with IoT
         - Device Hijacking
         - Data Siphoning
         - Denial of Service Attacks
         - Data Breaches
         - Device Theft

         AI (Artificial Intelligence)
         AI (Artificial Intelligence) Overview
         - Definition: AI allows machines or systems to think and learn using data-driven algorithms.
         - Mechanism: Decisions arise from complex algorithms based on patterns or behaviours acquired over time.

          Applications of AI:
           - Transport & Automation: Self-driving cars and manufacturing robots.
           - Digital Assistants & Services: Siri, Amazon Alexa for tasks like device control and customer service chatbots.
           - Optimization & Prediction: Robots optimizing cleaning routes, AI predicting best travel booking prices
           from historical data.

         Implications for Auditors
         - Algorithmic & System Review: Auditors should inspect AI's logical flow, checking for unintended biases,
         effectiveness, and security vulnerabilities.
         -  Understanding  AI's  Impact:  It's  essential  to  discern  AI's  influence  on  transaction  flows,  management's
         analytics/reports, and its role in decision-making processes.
         - Oversight & Risk Management: As management might lean more on AI, auditors need to understand shifts
         in risk attention and possible changes in the audit approach.

         Risks Associated with AI
         -  Security  &  Data  Concerns:  Increased  data  sources  heighten  security  vulnerabilities  and  demand  explicit
         consent for data usage.

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