Page 308 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 308

CA Ravi Taori


          (CNO—PSU.150) The functions of Auditor in the context of Propriety Audit may be specified as under
          as to:
          Proper Planning of Expenditure: See that all expenditure incurred are properly planned.
          Rightful Channels of Expenditure: See that the size and channels of expenditure are rightful and expected to
          give maximum results.
          Optimum Result Appraisal: Appraise whether those expenditure are likely to give optimum result.
          Alternative Action Plans: See that any substitute plan of action can bring about an improvement on current
          operation and as well as return from capital expenditure.
          Management's Actions and Public Interest: Examine the actions and decisions of the management to see
          that they are conductive to public interests and that they meet the standards of conduct.

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