Page 402 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 402

CA Ravi Taori

         Loan:  The  Bank  extended  loans  based  on  these  Projection  Statements.The  Bank  later  found  out  that  the
         individuals for whom the statements were issued did not have any business/source for loan repayment.
         Misconduct: The Chartered Accountant is found guilty of professional misconduct under Clauses (3), (7), and
         (8) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

         (CNO-PE.1520) CLAUSE 4
         A Chartered Accountant in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he.
         Clause (4): Expresses his opinion on financial statements of any business or enterprise in which he, his firm, or
         a partner in his firm has a substantial interest.

         Independence: This clause aims to assure the public about the faith and confidence that can be placed on the
         independent opinion expressed by auditors. For auditors' opinions to be respected and trusted by the public,
         they must be free from any interest that could affect their independence.
         Public Conscience: Public conscience is expected to be ahead of the law. Members are expected to interpret the
         requirement  for  independence  more  strictly  than  the  law  requires  and  should  avoid  positions  that  could
         compromise or jeopardize their independence.
         Substantial  Interest:  Financial  interest  in  a  business  can  be  a  substantial  interest  that  may  compromise
         independence. The existence of such a substantial interest, whether direct or indirect, can influence the auditors'
         opinion. According to the clause, an auditor should not express his opinion on financial statements of a business
         where he has a substantial interest.
         Inclusion & Exclusion
         Inclusion: The term "financial statements" in this clause includes reports and certificates given after examining
         accounts  or  financial  statements,  or  any  attest  function  under  any  statutory  enactment  or  for  income-tax
         All attest functions.: The Council has issued guidelines stating that the requirements of the clause apply to all
         attest functions. Applicable to specialized audit areas such as Tax Audit, GST Audit, Concurrent Audit of Banks,
         Exclusion:  This  clause  does  not  apply  to  statements  prepared  by  members  in  employment  solely  for  their
         employers' information in the normal course of their duties and not intended for submission to any external
         Clarifications of Clause 4 (Shortcut: Substantial Interest in WILD RICE Limited)
         Section 288: Sec 288 of Income Tax Act, 1961 describe the disqualifications for the purpose of Tax Audit.
         Internal Auditor Cannot do GST Audit: Internal Auditor and GST Auditor cannot be the same: Internal
         Auditor of an entity cannot perform GST Audit for the same entity.
         Writing Books: Accountants are not allowed to write the books of account for clients they are auditing.
         Internal Auditor Cannot do Company Audit: Statutory Auditor and Internal Auditor cannot be the same
         person. Companies Act prohibits the appointment of an Internal Auditor who is also the Statutory Auditor.
         Liquidator: If a Chartered Accountant is appointed as the Liquidator of a Company, he should not audit the
         Statement of Accounts to be filed under Section 348(1) of the Companies Act, 2013. The audit should be done
         by a different Chartered Accountant.
         Director:  A member must  wait  for  two  years  after  completing  their  tenure  or resigning  as  Director before
         accepting an audit assignment for the same company.
         Relative: Members are not allowed to undertake certification assignments for relatives, as defined in Accounting
         Standard (AS)-18.
         Internal Auditor Cannot do Tax Audit: Internal Auditor and Tax Auditor cannot be the same person. Assesses
         Internal Auditor, whether employed or an independent Chartered Accountant, cannot be appointed as the Tax

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