Page 405 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 405

CA Ravi Taori

         Case Study (News Paper Circulation)
         Without  Examination:  A  Chartered  Accountant  issued  a  certificate  of circulation  for  a  periodical  without
         examining the necessary details of how the circulation was maintained.
         Documents Not Checked: The Chartered Accountant did not review financial records, bank statements, or
         bank passbooks, Actual payment of printer's bills, number of copies sold and paid for.
         Guilty: As a result of these actions, the Chartered Accountant was found guilty under Clause (8) Can also apply
         clause 7) in the case of Registrar of Newspapers for India vs K. Rajinder Singh (1971).
         Case Study (Certificate to IDBI Bank)
         Certificate: A certificate is a written confirmation of the accuracy of the facts stated therein and does not involve
         any estimate or opinion.
         Limitations / Assumptions: A Chartered Accountant is required to clearly state his limitations/assumptions in
         his certificates. In the said matter, the Respondent did not mention his limitation or assumptions in any of the
         12 certificates.
         The Respondent did not disclose any assumptions/limitations or the basis/papers relied upon by him while
         issuing the certificates,  misleading the IDBI Bank in approving the loan. The Respondent failed to exercise
         diligence while issuing the Certificates.
         Guilty: The Committee found the Respondent grossly negligent in conduct of his professional duties and guilty
         under clause (7) and (8).
         Case Study (Construction Firm)
         Transaction: The Committee observed a land transaction between Shivdarshan Firm (a partnership firm) and
         Siddheshwari Developers.
         Incorrect Accounting: The transaction was incorrectly recorded in the books of Shivdarshan Construction, a
         proprietary concern, instead of Shivdarshan Firm.
         Not Reported: The Respondent, the auditor of Shivdarshan Construction, failed to report this discrepancy in
         the  audit  report.  The  Respondent  did  not  provide  any  evidence  to justify  their  decision  to  not  qualify  the
         appearance of a significant housing loan from Navsarjan Industrial Co. Op. Bank Ltd in the financial statements.
         Guilty: The Committee found the Respondent guilty of professional misconduct under Clauses (6), (7), and (8)
         of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. (Can also apply clause (5))
         Case Study
         Omission: The respondent failed to report on a bank account opened by a client in their capacity as a proprietor.
         Discrepancies:  The  bank  account  had  discrepancies,  including  a  different  account  number  and  a  different
         capacity in which it was opened.
         Audit Failure: The respondent should have had copies of the bank account to establish that it was opened and
         operated  under  a  proprietary  name.  The  respondent's  negligence  affected  their  duties  in  auditing  bank
         transactions. The respondent also failed to obtain sufficient information for expressing an opinion.
         Guilty: The respondent was found guilty of professional misconduct under Clauses (7) and (8) of Part I of the
         Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act 1949.

         (CNO-PE.1620) CLAUSE 9
         A Chartered Accountant in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he.
         Clause (9) Fails to invite attention to any material departure from the generally accepted procedure of audit
         applicable to the circumstances.
         1.GAAS:  The  audit  should  be  performed  in  accordance  with  the  "generally  accepted  procedure  of  audit
         applicable to the circumstances". What constitutes a "generally accepted audit procedure" is contingent on the
         facts and circumstances of each case.
         2. Report: If the auditor is unable to perform the audit following the accepted procedure, the report should
         highlight the significant departures.                                                                                            19.49
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