Page 87 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 87

CA Ravi Taori
         In the use of standardized internal control questionnaire, certain basic assumptions about elements of
         good control are taken into account. These are -
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         Common Procedures: The assumption that certain procedures, commonly used by most businesses, are essential
         for reliable internal control. Examples include depositing all daily receipts into the bank, daily balancing of cash
         books and ledgers, and periodic reconciliation with control accounts.
         Routine Review: The assumption that the work performed by each individual is subject to review by another
         person as part of routine procedures.
         Work  Identification:  The  assumption  that  there  should  always  be  evidence  to  identify  the  person  who
         performed the work, whether it involves authorization, implementation, or checking.
         Division  of  Duties:  The  assumption  that  organizations  allow  for  an  extensive  division  of  duties  and
         responsibilities. The larger the organization, the greater the potential for division of duties.
         Documentation: The assumption that proper documentation and recording of transactions are in place.
         Non-Compatible Roles: The assumption that employees responsible for accounting functions are not assigned
         any custodial duties.
         No  Single  Responsibility:  The  assumption  that  no  single  person  is  solely  responsible  for  completing  a
         transaction.  Multiple  individuals  should  be  involved  in  the  authorization,  implementation,  and  checking

         (CNO-MRI.560) Check List
         Definition: A series of instructions or questions on internal control for the audit team members.
         Use: Acts as a reminder for the auditor about aspects of internal control testing.
         Execution: Auditors initial next to completed tasks; responses include 'Yes', 'No', or 'Not Applicable'.
         Questions in the check list may be formed in the following manner (this is an illustrative set of questions
         to be answered by the audit staff).
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         Non-Compatible Functions
         Signatures: Cashier doesn't sign cheques.
         Mail: Cashier shouldn't open incoming mails.
         Authorisation: Cashier neither authorises expenditure nor receipt.
         Ledgers: Cashier doesn't post any ledger entries.

         Leaves: Takes annual leave regularly.
         Daily: Inks and balances daily.
         Reconciliation: Prepares monthly bank reconciliation statement.

         Security: Has provided proper security or executed a fidelity bond.
         Payments: Ensures compliance and due authorisation before payment.
         Verification: Checks physical cash against book figure daily

         Funds: Doesn't hold other funds or investments.
         Unnecessary Balance: Doesn't keep unnecessary balance in hand.
         The basic distinction between internal control questionnaire and check list are as under:
         1. Respondents: Company executives typically answer the ICQ questions, whereas auditors or auditor staff are
         responsible for answering the checklist questions.

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