Page 96 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 96

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO-SA320.100) Revision of Materiality
         During audit, if auditor gets new information that would cause him to determine different materiality.
         If auditor concludes lower materiality level- Auditor shall determine need to revise
           • Performance Materiality
           • NTE of FAP
         Examples when revision may be required:
           • New information, decision to dispose major part of business during the year.
           • Chg. In auditor’s understanding as result of FAP during the year.
           • During year actual financial result substantially different from anticipated end of the year.

         (CNO-SA320.120) Documenting the Materiality
         The audit documentation shall include the following amounts and the factors considered in their
         FST Level Materiality: Materiality for the financial statements as a whole.
         TBD Level Materiality:  The materiality level or levels for particular classes of transactions, account balances or
         Performance materiality.
         Any revision in above as the audit progressed.

                                                         SA 330

                                           THE AUDITOR RESPONSE TO ASSESSED RISK

         (CNO-SA330.020) Response to Risk
         Overall Responses for FST Level Risk
         Assigning more experienced staff or those with special skills or using experts
         Ask to maintain professional skepticism.
         Incorporating elements of unpredictability in the selection of further audit procedures FAP to be performed.
         Making general changes to the NTE of audit procedures
         Providing more supervision.

         Further Audit Procedures for assertion level risk:
           • Test of Controls
           • Substantive Procedures.

         (CNO-SA330.040) Tests of Controls
         Audit procedure performed to obtain audit evidence of effectiveness of:
           • Design of ICS and accounting system (Design to prevent, detect & correct MMST
           • Operation of ICS throughout the period.
         Which controls should be tested?
         Design & performed test of controls for relevant controls when.
           • Auditors assessment of RMM includes expectation that controls are operating effectiveness.
           • Substantive procedures alone cannot provide S&A audit evidence. (Highly Automated)
         Nature of test of controls:                                                                                         4.25
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