Page 98 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 98

CA Ravi Taori
         If Yes- Then Test Controls in Current year.
         If No- Then:
           • Can rely on PY audit evidence.
           • TOC atleast once in every Third audit   So as to avoid testing all controls in single year
                                                   & then no testing for next 2 year
           • Test some controls each year

         (CNO-SA330.080) Evaluating the Operating Effectiveness of Controls
         Specific inquiries by auditor when deviations from  controls are detected.
         Evaluate Results
           • No deviation - Good
           • Deviation Exist - Do Specific Enquiry - Whether:
              o Results are providing Reasonable basis. (Tolerable rate of deviation >Actual Rate of deviation)
              o Additional Audit procedure required.
                ▪ Resampling
                ▪ Check all signature of Juniors.
              o Areas where only Substantive Procedure can help .

         (CNO-SA330.100) Designing and Performing Substantive Procedures
         1.  Auditor  shall  Design &  Perform  Substantive Procedures  for each  MATERIAL TBD,  Irrespective  of
         assessed RMM, because:
           • Risk assessment is judgement based & may not identify all risks.
           • There are inherent limitations in ICS (Including Mgt. override)
         2. Auditor may perform any of the following:
           • Only substantive analytical procedures
            • Only test of details
            • Combination of the above 2.
         2A. Substantive Analytical Procedures:
           • Suitable for large volume transactions
           • Apply SA 520
         2B. Test of Details (TOD):
           • The nature of risk & assertion are relevant while designing TOD.
           • Direction of testing for:
            o Existence - Financial Records to support Evidence.
            o Completeness - Supporting Evidence to Financial Records
         3. Effect of Test of Controls:
           •  If TOC is unsatisfactory, increase extent of Substantive Procedure (SP)
           • In TOD extent can be increased by increasing sample size & using more effective selection method.
         4. External Confirmation:
           • Shall consider whether external confirmation procedures should be performed.
         5. Closing Process:
            Auditor's substantive procedures shall include the following audit procedures:
         (i) Examining material journal entries and other adjustments made during preparing FST
         (ii)Agreeing or reconciling the financial statements & underlying records

         (CNO-SA330.120) Factors to be considered while deciding whether to go for external confirmation.
         Factors Affecting Use of EC: (Shortcut – “OK-A”)
           • O - Objectivity of TP - If it is related
           • to entity, EC will be less reliable
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