Page 2 - Chapter 9 Registration
P. 2

09                            Registration


                                                                                                          No. of
             Sr. No.  Descrip on                                                                 Pg. No.
               1    General Ques ons                                                               236       1

               2    Sec 22 read with N/No. 10/2019:- Threshold limit for registration              236       4

               3    Sec 23:- Person not liable for registration                                    239       2
               4    Sec 24:- Compulsory registration in certain cases                              241       3

               5    Combined Questions on Section 22, 23 and 24:-                                  243       5
               5    Sec 25:- Procedure for Registration                                            249       5

               5    Rule 10:- Issue of registration certificate & its effective date               251       1

               5    Rule 10A:- Furnishing of Bank Account Details                                  252       1
               5    Sec27 read with Rule 13 & 15:- Special provisions relating to CTP & NRTP       252       3

               5    Sec 28:- Amendment of registration                                             254       2
               5    Sec29 read with Rule 20, 21, 21A and 22:- Cancellation or Suspension of registration  254  1

               5    Sec 30 read with Rule 23:- Revocation of cancellation of registration          255       1

               5    Combined Questions                                                             47        2
                    Total no. of Illustrations                                                              31

             S.No.  Descrip on             Chap. No.  Que. No.                                           No. Illus.

               1    Study Material            09      Q. 01.01/02.04/ 02.05/ 03.06/ 05.11/ 10.26            6

                 2  Examina on                09        Q. 02.02/ 05.13/05.14/11.28/ 12.29/13.30/           6
               3    RTP & MTP                 09      Q. 04.10/05.15/ 08.22/ 09.24/  13.31                  5

               4    Other                     09      Q. 02.03/03.07/ 04.08/ 04.09/ 05.12/06.16/ 06.17/      14
                                                      06.18/ 06.19/ 06.20/ 07.21/ 09.23/09.25/11.27
                   Total No. of Illus ra ons                                                                31

            CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy        235
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