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G                                              INTRODUCTION OF GST
                                                                           CHAPTER - 1


                                           S.No. Description                                                            No. Illus.
                                             1     Indirect tax structure in India before 1st July 2017                    1

                                             2     Taxes subsumed in GST                                                   2
                                             3     Concepts and principal of GST                                           4
                                             4     Dual GST Model in India                                                 1

                                             5     Constitutional Amendments for GST and Article 246                       5
                                             6     Levy of taxes on various product along with GST                         2
                                             7     Article 279A- GST council and recommendation of GST councils            2

                                             8     Special category state                                                  1
                                             9     Goods and Service Tax network(GSTN)                                     2
                                             10    Benefits of GST                                                          1
                                             11    Body of GST Law                                                         1

                                             12    Credit system in dual model of GST & Manner of utilization of IGST      3
                                                   Total No. of Illustrations                                              25

                                      S.No.  Description               Que. No.                                                   No. Illus.
                                        1    ICAI Material            Q. 01.01, 01.03, 01.06, 01.07 to 01.13, 01.16                 11

                                        2    Examination              Q. 01.17, 01.22, 01.25                                         3
                                        3    RTP & MTP                                                                               -
                                        4    Other                    Q. 01.02, 01.04, 01.05, 01.14, 01.15, 01.18 to 01.21, 01.23, 01.24,       11
                                             Total No. of Illusttrations                                                            25

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy           1
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8