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CCP                                                                 borne by the final consumer.
                                                                                                                                                                        CH 1
           What would be the rate structure under GST?
           Answer :- The rate structure consists for goods & services will be 0.25%, 3%, 5%,   04. Dual GST Model in India

           12%, 18% and 28 % besides goods which are taxed at nil rate (fully exempt). GST   CCP
           Tariff may be referred to know tax rate for respective goods and services.     Explain the concept of 'Dual GST' (Nov 17-CA final)[ICAI Material]                Introduction of GST
                                                                                          Answer : Under dual GST model, GST is imposed concurrently i.e. Central & States,
           CCP                                                                simultaneously impose on goods and services.
           GST is a destination-based tax on consumption of goods or services or both.       Ø Central has power to levy IGST (Integrated Goods & Services tax) on inter
           Discuss the validity of the statement. [ICAI Material]                              state supplies of goods and / or services.
           Answer:-    The  given  statement  is  valid. GST  is  a  destination-based  tax  on   Ø Central & States/UTs with state legislature, have power to levy CGST(Central

           consumption of goods or services or both. GST is known as destination-based tax     Goods & Services tax) & SGST (State Goods & Services tax) respectively, on
           since the tax would accrue to the taxing authority which has jurisdiction over the   Intra State supplies of goods/ services.
           place of consumption which is also termed as place of supply.                    Ø UTs without legislature, have power to levy UTGST (Union Territory Goods &
           For example, if A in Delhi produces the goods and sells the goods to B in Haryana. In   Service tax) on Intra state supplies of Goods/  services.
           this case, the tax would accrue to the State of Haryana and not to the State of Delhi.
           On the other hand, under pre-GST regime, origin-based taxation was prevailing in

           such cases.                                                                      05. Constitutional Amendments for GST and Article 246 & Article 269A
                  Under origin-based taxation, the tax used to accrue to the State from where   CCP
                                                                                          Write a short note on various Lists provided under Seventh Schedule to the
           the transaction originated. In the given case, under origin-based taxation, the central
           sales tax would have been levied by Centre and collected by the State of Delhi and   Constitution of India.  (ICAI Material)
                                                                                          Answer: It contains three  lists  which enumerate  the matters under which the
           not by the State of Haryana.
                                                                                          Union and the State Governments have the authority to make laws.

           CCP                                                                  List -I                    List -II                   List –III
           Under Goods and Services Tax (GST), only value addition is taxed and burden of   Union List                State List              Concurrent List
           tax  is  to  be  borne  by  the  final  consumer.  Examine  the  statement.  [ICAI   It contains the matters   It contains the matters   It contains the matters
           Material]                                                                       in respect of which the   in respect of which the   in respect of which both
           Answer:- The statement is correct. Goods and Services Tax is a destination-based   Parliament (Central   State Government has      the Central & State
           tax on consumption of goods and services. It is levied at all stages right from   Government) has the    the exclusive right to    Governments have power

           manufacture up to final consumption with credit of taxes paid at previous stages   exclusive right to make   make laws              to make laws.
           available as setoff. Resultantly, only value addition is taxed and burden of tax is to be   laws.

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy           3
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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