Page 31 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
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        Q12 (ICAI MODULE)

        Is offsetting permitted under the following circumstances?

        (a) Expenses incurred by a holding company on behalf of subsidiary, which is reimbursed by the subsidiary -
           whether  in  the  separate  books  of  the  holding  company,  the  expenditure  and  related  reimbursement  of
           expenses can be offset?
        (b) Whether profit on sale of an asset against loss on sale of another asset can be offset?
        (c) When services are rendered in a transaction with an entity and services are received from the same entity

           in two different arrangements, can the receivable and payable be offset?

        a)  As  per  paragraph  33  of  Ind  AS  1,  offsetting  is  permitted  only  when  the  offsetting  reflects  the
            substance of the transaction.

            In this case, the agreement/arrangement, if any, between the holding and subsidiary company needs to
            be considered. If the arrangement is to reimburse the cost incurred by the holding company on behalf
            of the subsidiary company, the same may be presented net. It should be ensured that the substance of
            the arrangement is that the payments are actually in the nature of reimbursement.
        b)  Paragraph 35 of Ind AS 1 requires an entity to present on a net basis gains and losses arising from a

            group  of  similar  transactions.  Accordingly,  gains  or  losses  arising  on  disposal  of  various  items  of
            property,  plant  and  equipment  shall  be  presented  on  net  basis.  However,  gains  or  losses  should  be
            presented separately if they are material.
        c)  Ind AS 1 prescribes that assets and liabilities, and income and expenses should be  reported separately,
            unless offsetting reflects the substance of the transaction. In addition to this, as per paragraph 42 of
            Ind  AS  32,  a  financial  asset  and  a  financial  liability  should  be  offset  if  the  entity  has  legally

            enforceable right to set off and the entity intends either to settle on net basis or to realise the asset
            and settle the liability simultaneously.

            In accordance with the above, the receivable and payable should be offset against each other and net
            amount  is  presented  in  the  balance  sheet  if  the  entity  has  a  legal  right  to  set  off  and  the  entity
            intends to do so. Otherwise, the receivable and payable should be reported separately.

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