Page 29 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
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4.  Other Equity                                                        (Rs in lakh)
                         Particulars                                  Reserves & Surplus   Total
                                                                      Capital   Retained
                                                                      reserve   Earnings
                         Balance at the beginning of the year          500*       550      1,050
                         Total comprehensive income for the year                  950      950
                         Balance at the end of the year                500       1,500    2,000

        *Note: Capital reserve given in the Note 1 of the question is assumed to be brought forward from the previous

        year. However, alternatively, if it may be assumed as created during the year.

        1.  Deferred Tax                                                 (Rs in lakh)

                                Deferred Tax Asset                               700
                                Deferred Tax Liability                           400

       2.  Trade Receivables                                                      (Rs in lakh)
                        Trade receivables considered good                                   1,065
                        Trade receivables which have significant increase in credit risk   40

                        Less: Provision for doubtful debts                             (5)  35
                        Total                                                               1,100
       5.  Long Term Borrowings                                                   (Rs in lakh)
                            Term Loan from Bank (5,700 - 700)                         5,000
                            Total                                                     5,000

       6.  Other Financial Liabilities                                            (Rs in lakh)
                             Unclaimed dividends                                       10
                             Interest on term loan                                    700
                             Total                                                    710
       7.  Short-term provisions                                                  (Rs in lakh)

                            Provisions                                                300
                            Foreseeable loss against a service contract               400
                            Total                                                      700
       8.  Other Current Liabilities                                              (Rs in lakh)

                             Billing in Advance                                       150
                             Other                                                    40
                             Total                                                    190
       9.  Dividends not recognised at the end of the reporting period
        At year end, the directors have recommended the payment of dividend of 10% i.e., Rs 1 per equity share. This

        proposed dividend is subject to the approval of shareholders in the ensuing annual general  meeting.

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