Page 27 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 27


                              Following adjustments / rectifications are required to be done

        1.  Reserve for foreseeable loss for Rs 400 lakh, due within 6 months, should be a part of provisions. Hence
             it needs to be regrouped. If it was also part of previous year’s comparatives, a note should be added in

             the notes to account on the regrouping done this year.
        2.  Interest accrued and due of Rs 700 lakh on term loan will be a part of current liabilities.

             Thus, it should be shown under the heading “Other Current Liabilities”.

        3.  As per Ind AS 2, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net real is able value. The amount
             of any write down of inventories to net realizable value is recognized as an expense in the period the

             write-down occurs. Hence, the inventories should be valued at Rs 1,200 lakh and write down of Rs 300
             lakh (Rs 1,500 lakh – Rs 1,200 lakh) will be added to the operating cost of the entity.

        4.  In the absence of the declaration date of dividend in the question, it is presumed that the dividend is
             declared  after the  reporting date. Hence,  no adjustment for the  same  is  made  in the  financial  year

             2018-2019. However, a note will be given separately in this regard (not forming part of item of financial

        5.  Accrued income will be shown in the Statement  of Profit and Loss as ‘Other Income’ and as ‘Other
             Current Asset’ in the Balance  Sheet.

        6.  Since the deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relate to taxes on income levied by the same
             governing taxation laws, these shall be set off, in accordance with Ind AS 12. The net DTA of Rs 300

             lakh will be shown in the balance sheet.
        7.  As per Division II of Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, the Statement of Profit and Loss should

             present the Earnings per Equity  Share.

        8.  In Ind AS, Assets are not presented in the Balance sheet as ‘Fixed Asset’; rather they are classified
             under various categories of Non-current assets. Here, it is assumed as ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’.

        9.  The presentation of the notes to ‘Trade Receivables’ will be modified as per  the requirements of Division
             II of Schedule III.


                           Balance Sheet of Abraham Ltd. For the year ended 31 March, 2019
                                                                         Note No.  (Rs in lakh)
                          Non-current assets
                          Property, plant and equipment                               5,000
                          Deferred tax assets                               1          300
                          Current assets
                          Inventories                                                 1,200
                          Financial assets
                          Trade receivables                                 2         1,100
                          Cash and cash equivalents                                   2,000
                          Others financial asset (accrued interest)                    300

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