Page 2 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
P. 2


                    HELD FOR SALE & DISCONTINUED


                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 6)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                    11.1
                                2               Past Exam Questions                  11.6

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (May 18)

        Following is the extract of the consolidated financial statements of A Ltd. for the year ended on:
                                  Asset/ (liability)                 Carry amount as on 31st March, 20X1

                                                                                (In Rs. ‘000)
                  Attributed goodwill                                               200
                  Intangible assets                                                 950
                  Financial  asset  measured  at  fair  value  through  other       300

                  comprehensive income
                  Property, plant & equipment                                       1100

                  Deferred tax asset                                                250
                  Current assets – inventory, receivables & cash balances           600
                  Current liabilities                                              (850)

                  Non-current liabilities – provisions                             (300)
                  Total                                                             2,250

        On  15th  September  20X1,  Entity  A  decided  to  sell  the  business.  It  noted  that  the  business  meets  the
        condition of disposal group classified as held for sale on that date in accordance with Ind AS 105. However, it

        does not meet the conditions to be classified as discontinued operations in accordance with that standard.
        The disposal group is stated at the following amounts immediately prior to reclassification as held for sale.

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