Page 6 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
P. 6

  The  division  will  be  regarded  as  discontinued  operation  for  the  quarter  ended  30th  June,  2018.  It

            represents a separate line of business and is held for sale at the year end.
          The Statement of Profit and Loss should disclose, as a single amount, the post-tax profit or loss of the

            division on classification as held for sale.
        Further, as per Ind AS 33, EPS will also be disclosed separately for the discontinued operation.

        Q3 (Nov 21)

        On February 28, 20X1, Entity X is committed to the following plans:
        (a)  To  sell  a  property  after completion  of certain  renovations to  increase  its value  prior  to  selling  it. The

             renovations are expected to be completed within a short span of time i.e., 2 months.
        (b)  To sell a commercial building to a buyer after the occupant vacates the building. The time required for
             vacating the building is usual and customary for sale of such commercial property. The entity considers
             the sale to be highly probable.
        Can the above-mentioned property and commercial building be classified as non- current assets held for sale

        at the reporting date i.e. 31st March, 20X1?

        Ind AS 105 provides guidance on classification of a non-current asset held for sale in paragraph 7 which
        states  that,  the  asset (or  disposal  group)  must be  available  for  immediate  sale  in  its present  condition
        subject only to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets (or disposal groups) and its
        sale must be highly probable.

        (a) In respect of Entity X’s plan to sell property which is being renovated and such renovation is incomplete
           as at the reporting date. Although, the renovations are expected to be completed within 2 months from
           the reporting date i.e., March 31, 20X1, the property cannot be classified as held for sale at the reporting
           date as it is not available for sale immediately in its present condition.

        (b) In case of Entity X’s plan to sell commercial building, it intends to transfer the commercial building to a
           buyer after the occupant vacates the building and the time required for vacating such building is usual
           and customary for sale of such non- current asset. Accordingly, the criterion of the asset being available
           for immediate sale would be met and hence, the commercial building can be classified as held for sale at
           the reporting date

                                                  MTPs QUESTIONS

                                   NO QUESTION HAS BEEN ASKED IN MTPs till Oct. 21

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