Page 4 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
P. 4

Financial asset measured at fair value through other   360           -               360
            comprehensive income

            Property, plant & equipment                          1,020          (68)             952
            Deferred tax asset                                    250            -               250

            Current assets – inventory, receivables & cash balances    520       -               520
            Current liabilities                                  (870)           -              (870)

            Non-current liabilities – provisions                 (250)           -              (250)
            Total                                                2,160         (330)             1,830
        The impairment loss is allocated first to goodwill and then pro rata to the other assets of the disposal group

        within Ind AS 105 measurement scope. Following assets are not in the measurement scope of the standard-
        financial  asset  measured  at  other  comprehensive  income,  the  deferred  tax  asset  or  the  current  assets.  In

        addition, the impairment allocation can only be made against assets and is not allocated to liabilities.

        (b) As on 31 March. 20X2:
        All of the assets and liabilities, outside the scope of measurement under IFRS 5, are remeasured in accordance

        with the relevant standards. The assets that are remeasured in this case under the relevant standards are the
        Financial asset measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (Ind AS 109), the deferred tax

        asset (Ind AS 12), the current assets and liabilities (various standards) and the non-current liabilities (Ind
        AS 37).

                        Asset/ (liability)                Carrying     Change in   Impairment  Revised carrying
                                                      amount as on 15  value to 31st           value as per Ind
                                                        September,    March 20X2                   AS 105

          Attributed goodwill                                -             -            -             -

          Intangible assets                                 868            -          (29)           839
          Financial asset measured at fair value through    360            50           -            410
          other comprehensive income
          Property, plant & equipment                       952            -          (31)           921

          Deferred tax asset                                250           (20)          -            230
          Current assets – inventory, receivables and cash   520         (120)          -            400

          Current liabilities                              (870)          (30)          -           (900)
          Non-current liabilities – provisions             (250)           -            -           (250)

          Total                                            1,830         (120)        (60)          1,650

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