Page 12 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 12


        Q8. (May 19 – 5 Marks)

        In 2017-18, Diana Ltd. has around 3,000 employees in the company. As per the company policy, the employees
        are given 30 days of Privilege Leave (PL), 12 days of Sick Leave (SL) and 12 days of Casual Leave. Out of
        the total PL and SL, 10 PL and 5 SL can be carried forward to next year. On the basis of past trends, it has
        been noted that 1,000 employees will take 5 days of PL and 2 days of SL and 2,000 employees will avail 10 as

        PL and 5 as SL. Also, the company has been incurring profits since incorporation. It has been decided in 2017-
        18 to distribute profits to its employees @ 8% during the year. However, due to the employee turnover in the
        organisation, the expected pay-out of the Diana Ltd. is to be around 7%. The profits earned during 2017-18 is
        Rs 12,000 lakh.

        Diana Ltd. also has a post-employment benefit plan available which is in the nature of defined contribution
        plan where contribution to this fund amounts to Rs 500 lakh which will fall due within 12 months from the
        end of accounting period. The company has paid Rs 120 lakh to its employees in 2017-18.
        What  is  the  treatment  for  the  short-term  compensating  absences,  profit-sharing  plan  and  the  defined
        contribution plan by Diana Ltd. as per the provisions of relevant Ind AS?

        (i)  For  short  term  compensating  expenses:  Diana.  Ltd.  will  recognise  a  liability  in  its  books  to the

              extent of 5 days of PL for 1,000 employees and 10 days of PL for remaining 2,000 employees and 2
              days of SL for 1,000 employees and 5 days of SL for remaining 2,000 employees in its books as an
              unused entitlement that has accumulated in2017-2018.
        (ii)  For  profit  sharing  plan:  Diana.  Ltd.  will  recognise  Rs  840  lakh  (12,000 x  7%)  as  a  liability  and
              expense it in books of accounts.
        (iii)  For defined contribution plan: When an employee has rendered service to an entity during a period,

              the entity shall recognise the contribution payable to a defined contribution plan in exchange for that
            (a)  Under Ind AS 19, the amount of Rs 380 lakh (500-120) may be recognised as a liability (accrued
                 expense), after deducting contribution already paid. However, if the contribution already paid would
                 have exceeded the contribution due  for service before the end of the reporting period, an entity

                 shall recognise that excess as an asset (prepaid expense); and
            (b)  Also, Rs 380 lakh will be recognised as an expense in this case study which will be disclosed as an
                 expense in the statement of profit and loss.

        Q9. (Nov. 20)
        Diamond Pvt. Ltd. has a headcount of around 1,000 employees in the organisation in financial year 2019-20.

        As per the company's policy, the employees are given 35 days of privilege leave (PL), 15 days of sick leave
        (SL) and 10 days of casual leave. Out of the total PL and sick leave, 10 PL leave and 5 sick leave can be
        carried forward to next year. On the basis of past trends, it has been noted that 200 employees will take 5
        days of PL and 2 days of SL and 800 employees will avail 10 days of PL and 5 days of SL.

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