Page 9 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 9

Q6. (RTP - May 20 & MTP - Oct. 20 – 6 Marks) – Similar to Q1

        On 1 April 20X1, the fair value of the assets of XYZ Ltdʼs defined benefit plan were valued at Rs 20,40,000

        and  the  present  value  of  the  defined  obligation  was  Rs  21,25,000.  On  31st  March,20X2  the  plan  received
        contributions from  XYZ  Ltd  amounting  to  Rs  4,25,000  and  paid  out  benefits  of  Rs  2,55,000.  The  current

        service cost for the financial year ending 31 March 20X2 is Rs 5,10,000. An interest rate of 5% is to be
        applied  to  the  plan  assets  and  obligations.  The  fair  value  of  the  planʼs  assets  at  31  March 20X2  was  Rs

        23,80,000, and the present value of the defined benefit obligation was Rs 27,20,000. Provide reconciliation
        from the opening balance to the closing balance for Plan assets and Defined benefit obligation. Also show how

        much  amount  should  be  recognised  in  the  statement  of  profit  and  loss,  other  comprehensive  income  and
        balance sheet?


                                Reconciliation of Plan assets & Defined benefit obligation

                                                                        Plan Assets Rs   Defined benefit
                                                                                          Obligation Rs

                 Fair value/present value as at 1 st  April 20X1           20,40,000        21,25,000
                 Interest @ 5%                                              1,02,000         1,06,250
                 Current service cost                                                        5,10,000

                 Contributions received                                    4,25,000             -
                 Benefits paid                                            (2,55,000)       (2,55,000)

                 Return on gain (assets) (balancing figure)                 68,000              -
                 Actuarial Loss (balancing figure)                             -            2,33,750
                 Closing balance as at March 31,20X2                       23,80,000        27,20,000

        In the Statement of Profit and loss, the following will be recognised

        Current service cost                                      5,10,000

        Net interest on net defined liability
        (Rs 1,06,250 – Rs 1,02,000)                               4,250

        Defined benefit re-measurements recognised in Other Comprehensive Income:

        Loss on defined benefit obligation                        (2,33,750)

        Gain on plan assets                                       68,000

        In the Balance sheet, the following will be recognised:

        Net defined liability (Rs 27,20,000 – Rs 23,80,000)       3,40,000
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