Page 10 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 10

Q7. (MTP - April. 21 – 8 Marks)

        Mr. Niranjan is working for Infotech Ltd. Consider the following particulars:
                                                                  Year 20X0-20X1      Year 20X1-20X2
                   Annual salary                                   Rs. 30,00,000       Rs. 30,00,000
                   No. of working days during the year               300 days            300 days
                   Leave allowed                                      10 days             10 days
                   Leave taken                                        7 days              13 days
                   Leave unutilized carried forward to next year      3 days               NIL
        Based on past experience, Infotech Ltd. assumes that Mr. Niranjan will avail the unutilized leaves of 3 days
        of 20X0-20X1 in 20X1-20X2.
        Infotech Ltd. contends that it will record Rs. 30,00,000 as employee benefits expense in each of the years

        20X0-20X1 and 20X1-20X2, stating that the leaves will, in any case, be utilized by 20X1-20X2.
        Comment on the accounting treatment proposed to be followed by Infotech Ltd. Also pass journal entries for
        both the years.

                                    Particulars                    Year 20X0-20X1      Year 20X1-20X2
                  Annual Salary                                      Rs. 30,00,000      Rs. 30,00,000
                  No. of working days (A)                              300 days           300 days

                  Leaves Allowed                                       10 days             10 days
                  Leaves Taken (B)                                      7 days             13 days
                  Therefore, No. of days worked (A – B)               293 days            287 days
                  Expense proposed to be recognized by Infotech Ltd.   Rs. 30,00,000    Rs. 30,00,000

        Based on the evaluation above, Mr. Niranjan has worked for 6 days more (293 days – 287 days) in 20X0-
        20X1 as compared to 20X1-20X2.
        Since he has worked more in 20X0-20X1 as compared to 20X1-20X2, the accrual concept requires that the

        expenditure to be recognized in 20X0-20X1 should be more as compared to 20X1-20X2.
        Thus, if Infotech Ltd. recognizes the same expenditure of Rs. 30,00,000 for each year, it would be in violation
        of the accrual concept.

        The expenditure to be recognized will be as under:

                                    Particulars                       Year 20X0-20X1      Year 20X1-20X2
             Annual salary (A)                                         Rs. 30,00,000        Rs. 30,00,000
             No. of working days (B)                                     300 days             300 days
             Salary cost per day (A ÷ B)                             Rs. 10,000 per day   Rs. 10,000 per day
             No. of days worked (from above)                             293 days             287 days
             Expense to be recognised:
             In 20X0-20X1: Rs. 30,00,000 + [Rs. 10,000 per day x 3 days
             (leaves unutilized expected to be utilized subsequently)]   Rs. 30,30,000
             In 20X1-20X2: Rs. 30,00,000 – [Rs. 10,000 per
             day – 3 days (excess leave utilized in 20X1-20X2)]                             Rs. 29,70,000

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