Page 3 - 13. COMPILER QB - INDAS 37
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What are the provisions that the Company is required to make as per Ind AS 37?

        A discontinued operation is one that is discontinued in the period or classified as held for sale at the year-

        end.  The  operations  of  G  Ltd  were  discontinued  on  30th  April  2018  and  therefore,  would  be  treated  as
        discontinued operation for the year ending 31st March 2019. It does not meet the criteria for holding for sale
        since the company is terminating its business and does not hold these for sale.
        Accordingly, the results of G Ltd will be included on a line-by-line basis in the consolidated statement of
        comprehensive  income  as  part  of  the  profit  from  continuing  operations  of  U  Ltd  for  the  year  ending  31st

        March 2018.
        As  per  Ind  AS  37  ―Provisions,  Contingent  Liabilities  and  Contingent  Assets‖,  restructuring  includes  sale  or
        termination of a line of business. A constructive obligation to restructure arises when:
        (a) an entity has a detailed formal plan for the restructuring
        (b) Has raised a valid expectation in those affected that it will carry out the restructuring by starting to
            implement that plan or announcing its main features to those affected by it.

        The Board of directors of U Ltd have decided to terminate the operations of G Ltd. from 30th April 2018.
        They have made a formal announcement on 15th February 2018, thus creating a valid expectation that the
        termination will be implemented. This creates a constructive obligation on the company and requires provisions
        for restructuring.

        A  restructuring  provision  includes  only  the  direct  expenditures  arising  from  the  restructuring  that  are
        necessarily entailed by the restructuring and are not associated with the ongoing activities of the entity.
        The termination payments fulfil the above condition. As per Ind AS 10 ―Events after Reporting Date‖, events
        that provide additional evidence of conditions existing at the reporting date should be reflected in the financial
        statements. Therefore, the company should make a provision for Rs520 lakhs in this respect.
        The relocation costs relate to the future conduct of the business and are not liabilities for restructuring at the

        end  of  the  reporting  period.  Hence,  these  would  be  recognised  on  the  same  basis  as  if  they  arose
        independently of a restructuring.
        The operating lease would be regarded as an onerous contract. A provision would be made at the lower of the
        cost of fulfilling it and any compensation or penalties arising from failure to fulfil it. Hence, a provision shall
        be made for Rs410 lakhs.

        Further operating losses relate to future events and do not form a part of the closure provision.
        Therefore, the total provision required = Rs520 lakhs + Rs410 lakhs = Rs930 lakhs
        Note:  Various  issues  related  to  the  applicability  of  Ind  AS  /  implementations  under  Companies  (Indian
        Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, are being raised by preparers, users and other stakeholders. Although many
        clarifications have been issued by way of ITFG Bulletins or EAC Opinion, still issues are arising on account of

        varying interpretations on several of its guidance. Therefore, alternate answers may be possible for the above
        questions based on standards, depending upon the view taken.

        Q2 (Nov. 19)
        (a) A manufacturer gives warranties at the time of sale to purchasers of its product. Under the terms of the

            contract for sale, the manufacturer undertakes to remedy, by repair or replacement, manufacturing defects
            that become apparent within three years from the date of sale. As this is the first year that the warranty
            has been available, there is no data from the firm to indicate whether there will be a claim under the
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