Page 7 - 13. COMPILER QB - INDAS 37
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        Q6 (March 19)
        During the year, QA Ltd. delivered manufactured products to customer K. The products were faulty and on 1st

        October, 2016 customer K commenced legal action against the Company claiming damages in respect of losses
        due to the supply of faulty products. Upon investigating the matter, QA Ltd. discovered that the products were
        faulty due to defective raw material procured from supplier F. Therefore, on 1st December, 2016, the Company
        commenced legal action against F claiming damages in respect of the supply of defective raw materials.
        QA Ltd. has estimated that its probability of success of both legal actions, the action of K against QA Ltd.
        and action of QA Ltd. against F, is very high.

        On 1st October, 2016, QA Ltd. estimated that the damages it would have to pay K would be Rs. 5 crores. This
        estimate was revised to Rs. 5.2 crores as on 31st March, 2017 and Rs. 5.25 crores as at 15th May, 2017. This
        case was eventually settled on 1st June, 2017, when the Company paid damages of Rs. 5.3 crores to K.
        On 1st December, 2016, QA Ltd. had estimated that it would receive damages of Rs. 3.5 crores from F. This

        estimate was revised to Rs. 3.6 crores as at 31st March, 2017 and Rs. 3.7 crores as on 15th May, 2017. This
        case was eventually settled on 1st June, 2017 when F paid Rs. 3.75 crores to QA Ltd. QA Ltd. had, in its
        financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2017, provided Rs. 3.6 crores as the financial statements
        were approved by the Board of Directors on 26th April, 2017.
        (i)  Whether the Company is required to make provision for the claim from customer K as per applicable Ind
            AS? If yes, please give the rationale for the same.

        (ii) If the answer to (a) above is yes, what is the entry to be passed in the books of account as on 31st
            March, 2017? Give brief reasoning for your choice.
                             A  P&L A/c                            Dr.             5.2 Cr.
                                       To Current Liab. A/c                             5.2 Cr.
                             B  P&L A/c                           Dr.              5.3 Cr.
                                       To Non-Current Liab. A/c                         5.3 Cr.
                             C  P&L A/c                           Dr.             5.25 Cr.
                                 To Current Liab. A/c                                  5.3 Cr.

        (iii) What will be the accounting treatment of the action of QA Ltd. against supplier F as per applicable Ind

        1.  Yes, QA Ltd. is required to make provision for the claim from customer K as per Ind AS 37 since the claim
            is a present obligation as a result of delivery of faulty goods manufactured. Also, it is probable that an

            outflow  of  resources  embodying  economic  benefits  will  be  required  to  settle  the  obligations.  Further,  a
            reliable  estimate  of  Rs.  5.2  crore  can  be  made  of  the  amount  of  the  obligation  while  preparing  the
            financial statements as on 31st March, 2017.

        2.  Option (A): Statement of Profit and Loss A/c          Dr.    Rs. 5.2 crore
                              To Current Liability A/c                                         Rs. 5.2 crore

        3.  As per Ind AS 37, QA Ltd. shall not recognise a contingent asset. Here the probability of success of legal
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