Page 2 - 14. COMPILER QB - INDAS 20
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INDAS – 20 – AC
                                                             COUNTING FOR

                                       GOVT. ASSISTANCE

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 8)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                    14.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                    14.4

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 14.6

                                4          Newly Added Question by ICAI             14.8

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (May 20 & MTP March 21 – 6 marks)

        Rainbow  Limited  is  carrying  out  various  projects  for  which  the  company  has  either  received  government
        financial assistance or is in the process of receiving the same. The company has received two grants of Rs
        1,00,000 each, relating to the following ongoing research and development projects:
        (i)  The  first  grant  relates  to  the  “Clean  river  project”  which  involves  research  into  the  effect  of  various

            chemical waste from the industrial area in Madhya Pradesh. However, no major steps have been completed
            by Rainbow limited to commence this research as at 31st march, 20X2.
        (ii) The  second  grant  relates  to  the  commercial  development  of  a  new  equipment  that  can  be  used  to
            manufacture eco-friendly substitutes for existing plastic products. Rainbow Limited is confident about the
            technical feasibility and financial viability of this new technology which will be available for sale in the

            market by April 20X3.
        (iii) In  September  20X1,  due  to  the  floods  near  one  of  its  factories,  the  entire  production  was  lost  and
            Rainbow  Limited  had  to  shut  down  the  factory  for  a  period  of  3  months.  The  State  Government
            announced a compensation package for all the manufacturing entities affected due to the floods. As per
            the  scheme,  Rainbow  Limited  is  entitled  to  a  compensation  based  on  the  average  of  previous  three
            months’ sales figures prior to the floods, for which the company is required to submit an application form

            on or before 30th June, 20X2 with necessary figures. The financial statements of Rainbow Limited are to
            be adopted on 31st May, 20X2, by which date the claim form would not have been filed with the State
        Suggest the accounting treatment of, if any, for the two grants received and the flood-related compensation

        in the books of accounts of Rainbow Limited as on 31st March, 20X2.

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